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Scott's POV

I was sitting at home reading a report about a little girl burning down her house and that she is missing. I was enjoying my reading when there was a knock at the door. When I answered it I almost spat out my red wine "what are you doing here?" Before he said anything he kissed me and at first I was hesitant to kiss him. He pulled away after a few minutes "I want you back Scott Nash more than anything in this world!" That's when I saw the fire truck pull up and out hopped Buck. He came up to me and pulled me into a tight hug "how's your day off going?" I look at TK "I think you should leave Tyler Kennedy Strand!" I said his full name so he knew I meant it. I walked with Buck to the fire truck "are yous coming over tomorrow for food or am I coming to the station to cook?" They were all laughing and that's when I feel somebody pull me into a hug. When we pulled away I saw it was Eddie "I'm finally happy you agreed to do the walk with me tomorrow morning!" I had forgotten all about the walk "do I have to do it Eddie?" I gave him sad puppy dog eyes "you promise me" he made it sound like he was crying "fine what do I have to wear?"

I woke up to the sound of my coffee maker going off. I slowly walked out of my room too see my dad standing there "dad?" He turned around "how'd you sleep last night?" I took a seat at the island "what's going on?" He had a small smile on his face "last night you called me saying you needed your daddy to come over". He was laughing his head off "all I remember about yesterday was talking to Eddie about what I should wear to the walk". He handed me my coffee "god-damn it!" I slapped myself in the head "what's wrong son?" I looked at dad "I remember why I wanted you to come over now". I looked down at the coffee cup to hide the small smile on my face "so why did you call me?" I looked up at him "me and Buck got into a big fight because he saw TK strand standing at my door talking to me and I was shirtless but I had just came out of the shower". I had tear's in my eyes "so he thought you had cheated on him?" I nodded my head and with in seconds I started to cry "but he knew our past and he knew I didn't want to go back with him".


We were all sitting around talking about how life is and all that stuff. I'm always thinking about Scott for these last few days. I was about to call him but I couldn't bring myself to hit the call button. I put my phone down "what's wrong?" I look up to see dad standing there "I want Scott!" I think I might have said that a bit to loud because everyone is looking at me.

Scott's POV

I had just gotten a text from Eddie saying "not to come to the walk and that I should be a shamed of myself and that no one wants me or love's me".  It was killing me to read that message and knowing it's not true.

I was sitting in a bar drinking away my problems, When I see Owen walk into the bar. He came and sat right next to me "my son was thinking about you the other day". I picked up my drink in one hand "your son destroyed my relationship!" I put the glass to my lips and tipped my head back "why don't we go to Texas and yous can talk". I put the glass down on the bar "last thing I want to do is talk Owen!"


Days later

Dad had asked me to come over to his house. When I got in I saw someone standing in the kitchen so I went over to them "dad?" The person turned around and it was Scott "hi Tyler Kennedy Strand" he had a warm soft smile on his face "what are you doing here?" I was in complete shock "after your visit my partner broke up with me". I wasn't happy to hear that I'm the reason Scott's relationship ended "but that doesn't explain why you are here". That's when someone clears their throat so I turned around to see Carlos standing there "hey babe"

Scott's POV

"Hey babe" I watch TK pull Carlos into a kiss and hug "what's he doing here!" Carlos was getting mad "I invited him to stay". Owen put his arm over my shoulders "why dad?" Owen let out a sigh "Scott is apart of this family and don't forget he stuck by your side when you were". Owen had stopped himself from finishing his sentence "look TK Scott is going to be in my life no matter what!" I was happy Owen still thought of me as family.

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