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Scott's POV

It was getting closer and closer to Tk and Carlos wedding and at this point I'm just lying to myself more and more. I am still in my wheel car and it was killing me to be in it.

There was a knock at the door so I answered it and it was Jud "hey man". He hugged me "can I bring you to mine and Grace's house?" I nodded my head "yeah it'll be nice to get out of the house".

I saw Jude's kid in a hospital bed so I rolled myself over to him "hey man I'm Scott". I reached out my hand for him to shake it "I can't shake your hand". He looked defeated "and why not?" He looked at me "because my body doesn't work like it used to and I'm tired of people trying to make me do things like nothing ever happened!" He was yelling at me with all his anger so Jud came over and tried to get in between us "just go Jud I think me and your boy need to talk alone". Jud left us picking up on my tone of voice "I know you think that everyone is against you right now".

"No you don't you don't know what it's like to not be able to do the things you used to be able to do!" I can see the tears in his eyes

"I lost my job because my brain is sending signals to my hand to freeze and then it locks so I can't use it for hours on end". I tapped the wheelchair "I was in a car crash and in a coma like state and so my legs don't work properly anymore I have to get someone to help me into my wheelchair". He could see I am like him in a way "and you're lucky)

"Lucky how am I lucky" he was mad and confused

"Because you have people around you all the time who care and love you ok so you have people to fight for to get better for but I've got nothing and so I've got no reason to fight". I had tears in my eyes "but I'm trying and that's all I can do is try, try to be a better man than I was before because if we stop fighting and give in then when are idiots"

Jud had texted me thanking me for talking some sense into his son and his son is going to fight to get better for his little sister. I'm happy I could help Jud and his family out but I'm keeping a big secret and I want to tell everyone but I'm scared to.

Days later

The fire house is having an open day but I didn't feel like going so I stayed home because I fell and I didn't have the strength in me to move. I don't know how long I've been here but someone rolled me over and it was Owen so he helped me up into my wheelchair "there we go Scott". He pushed me to the table that had some food on it "leftovers?" I didn't have to look at him to tell he was nodding his head "yeah from the open day". He took a seat "I can't stay here Owen".

I saw him swallow his mouthful of food "so you moving closer in town?"

I shake my head no "I'm moving back to los Angeles CA and I'll be living with my mum and dad so they both can keep an eye on me".

I had gotten off the plane and in about five weeks time it's Tk and Carlos wedding and I really don't want to be around for their wedding. Athena and Bobby had taken me out to Bobby's truck and I was tired and in pain. I opened my bag and took my pills with some water "pain that bad son?" I nodded my head "yeah dad some days are worse than others".

I had to walk down stairs to get to where my bedroom is and it was easy because they and a railing up for me to use. Once I got to the bottom I went straight for my wheelchair and sat down in it and I was breathing so hard I could wake up the dead. Dad had wheeled me to my bedroom and I laid down on the bed with a blanket over me before falling asleep.

Bobby's POV

I quietly sneaked out of my son's bedroom and mad my way over to Athena and where she was getting ready for a welcome back dinner "he's out like a light".

She let out a sigh "I think we need to have someone here at all times so we get some to be here when we are on shift".

I nodded my head "yes but we'll need to get someone all three of us know and someone all three of us can trust because knowing my son he won't let a stranger near him".

Athena rubbed her temple "ok so how about someone from the fire house and we both know they'll do anything to help one of their own"

Me and Athena had made a deal that I would ask the gang because I took this morning off so I could pick up Scott.

I had got everyone into our meeting place "ok listen up a couple of months ago Scott got into a bad accident and so now he's in a wheelchair, has to take his medicine on time and we need someone there with him while me and Athena are on shift because it's Scott I thought maybe one of yous wouldn't mind looking after him".

Everyone said we could do a chart so we had different people for different days but I told them no we need at least one to three people visiting him and helping him so he can get used to it and so Buck, Eddie and Hen had agreed to look after him which I'm every thankful for.

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