。˚ ☁︎ ˚。Soulmates。˚☽˚。⋆

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"...I'm sorry, who are you?"


Feeling the gentle rain cascade across my ever still body, my eyes fought for light as they blinked forcibly in order to understand what was happening. How had I gotten here? Where was I? These were questions that couldn't be answered in the slightest.

But with every passing moment, the world seemed to blink in and out of life as I couldn't help but pick up on small miniscule moments all around me. The smell of the fleshly fallen rain, the crisp cold air that brought a chill through my unmoving muscles and a voice.

Somehow, somewhere there was a voice.

At first it was just gargled words, something my mind couldn't process in the slightest. But I wanted to, somehow I wanted to understand what they were saying simply because it felt like it was the most important thing to me.

Forcing back my black spots between my eyes, I then forced my eyes upwards before a vague figure formed in front of me. The sun's rays had seemingly blocked out most of their faces but I could make out a couple features, and those features caused a ghost of a smile to cross my lips.

She was here.

Well, of course she was.

My love was always here, just when I needed her.

Although that's when something fell onto my cold cheeks before my smile fell as I watched her tear filled eyes speak even more muffled words that didn't reach my ears.

Wait, why was she crying? Oh, it must be because I'm dying. It looks like we failed again. Damn it, I really thought we could've beaten it this time.

And as my vision began to fate, I felt my muscles push past their limits in order to cup her face with the best attempt of a smile I could give her.

"Don't cry, my love. I want to see your beautiful smile again."

It didn't seem she could hear me though, simply sobbing harder at my touch before a finally heard her small, scared voice for the first time since

"I-I'm sorry...I failed you again...please forgive me."

Mentally shaking my head at her broken words, I felt myself grow further from her as the dark began to consume everything around me. Silly girl, if only she knew how much I loved her. It's not her fault things ended this way.

This is just how cruel the fates were.

And as my muscles forcibly began to grow limb, I heard her shrill desperate voice once more, lulling me to sleep.

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