⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。Touch。˚☽˚。⋆

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Calla POV:

    Humming to myself, I flipped through the file in front of me before hearing Hawks shuffling into the kitchen a couple moments later, his unkempt hair in his eyes as my soulmate stretched out his arms in a yawn.

    And the change was very noticeable to me, knowing the bird to always pre prepare himself before seeing me every morning. But this time it was different, this time his ruffled appearance and sleepy expression didn't appear to be altered in the slightest.

Cute, he wasn't trying to put his perfect hero look together for me anymore. I suppose that meant he was comfortable with me in his house. Good, he deserved that. I guess that means I'm not a threat or a stranger to him anymore either.

I didn't dare speak on it though, knowing that if I did then he would most likely get uncomfortable and go back to how he was before. And that distance was something I didn't want.

    He found my stare a moment later, the bird's expression rather confused as he stared down at the silent screen of his phone. "That's weird. Usually the president sends me the schedule around this time. And she's not picking up my calls either."

    At that, I resisted the urge to smile under the file. It served that old hag right. Looks like my little conversation last night finally got through to her. And all I had to do was threaten her. Noted.

    Stretching my arms, I put the folder down in response as I spoke. "Ah, I wouldn't worry about it. She's probably just busy. You deserve a day off anyways, with how hard she makes you work all the time."

    But surprise surprise Hawks didn't understand the foreign word, his head twisting at the thought. "Day off? But heroes don't get days off, especially me. Maybe I should call her again.."

    Yet before he could do so, my hands found his shoulders, pushing the overworked bird onto the stool next to him before plopping a plate in front of him. "No no, not allowed. If she wants to contact you, then she will. Until then, just eat your food, you dumb bird."

    At my words, Hawks then looked down at the plate of chicken and waffles before I watched his eyes soften at the gesture. "You made me food?"

    Nodding once, I felt myself beam. "Well, I couldn't have you eating takeout everyday. I noticed before that all your cabinets were empty so I took the liberty of filling them. And I thought chicken and waffles was a perfect first dish to make."

    It was something that concerned me greatly. And sure, I wasn't the picture of healthy, not depressed eating myself but something about his hollow cabinets made my stomach turn.

           His fucked up mindset was probably also effecting his food habits, and if I wanted to change them then I knew I had to begin small.

    Hawks only stared at the meal though, his words silent as I glanced at him in question. What? Did I guess wrong? I thought because he was eating chicken yesterday that this would be something he would like.

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