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Trix POV:

I didn't sleep much after last night. I mean how could I when my mind raced with so many dangerous thoughts and possibilities about the man next door?

I could feel it, the soulmate bond practically physically pulling me awake as I grounded myself in reality over and over again.

And I had to do this for weeks?

Oh god help me.

You see, that little moment we shared last night wasn't real, at least it wasn't to Hawks. No, it was just residual thoughts and feelings, seeping in from somewhere unknown. The way he spoke, the way he acted, he was a different man, a dead man.

But even still, I could still feel my heart race at the mere memory of it. How long had I dreamed to touch me again, to close that distance that I had purposely put between us? I wanted it, I wanted it so badly that my lips still tingled from his gentle words.

Wait, back up.

I needed to stop thinking about this. Whatever I wanted was dead and gone, leaving only the painful reminder of what would happen if I gave into those horrible urges. No, I had to stay strong, for him.

Hawks may have not known what had happened last night, but I did. Which meant it was my responsibility to make sure it never happened again.

Sighing to myself, I then forced my tired muscles to move as my feet hit the floor of the single bedroom. Well, I had to face this somehow. Whether I liked it or not I couldn't just stay in here forever, hiding like a coward.

I then moved up to the door only to take a breath of courage and throw it open before I could withdraw, expecting to see the red winged hero sleeping as I turned the corner.

Yet I was surprised when I was only met with silence, my shoulders slumping in both a mix of relief and disappointment as I made my way towards the empty sofa. Oh, he was gone already. I guess I should've figured.

The commission did have him on quite a leash. God, how I hated that woman.

Feeling my eyes narrow in annoyance at the memory, I then moved over to the remote before turning on the TV in order to get a little background noise.

Although what surprised me was when a familiar face popped up on the screen. Hold on, I knew that girl, she was supposed to be Hawks' partner for that photo shoot yesterday. But what was she doing on a gossip show?

Turning the volume up, I then leaned forward in order to hear her shrill voice enter my ears a moment later.

"Yes, It's true. I saw it myself. Hawks refused to kiss me. In fact, he seemed really uncomfortable about the whole thing all together. I thought that with his reputation he would've gone along with it but it seems to me like all those stories are all fake. I mean, have we actually even seen him on a date with anyone? No, we haven't."

The reporters on the screen gasped then, causing me to frown at the reactions. That woman couldn't seem to shut her mouth, could she? Nah, it seemed like she was bitter about being rejected by the number two hero.

And now she was trying to have some sort of revenge.

Not liking her tone, I then turned off the screen before leaning back with my arms crossed. So what if Hawks wasn't a playboy? Why did that even matter?

Well, at least now he didn't have to hide, right?


Hawks POV:

Seeing the president throw a stack of magazines on the desk with frustration I felt myself flitch as she spoke harshly. "Do you realize what you've done? I have phones ringing off the hook and reporters at my door asking me all the same thing. It's a disaster!"

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