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Warning: Dark Themes

Warning: Dark Themes

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Hawks POV:

I awoke to the smell of something delicious as my nose couldn't help but reach myself forward and search for the scent immediately. But what could it be? What could be smelling so good this early in the morning?

Turning my sleepy gaze over the sofa I then blinked to find a very familiar silhouette as Calla's long cascading pink hair moved with her movements, a small pan in her fingers as she hummed a little unknown tune of her own.

The very sight made my lips smile without permission, tugging on the corners as I pulled myself up in order to walk towards her. She was so cute humming like that. Man, I haven't had this good of a morning wake up call in forever.

My wings then lifted up at the sound of a sizzle as I reached forward in order to wrap my arms around her waist from behind, proud to say that I felt only a tiny bit nervous at the action.

I had been getting better after all, with the idea of touching and close contact. I mean, I hadn't mastered it but with Calla I felt at ease, knowing that she would never judge me for such a move. She was always so kind and I couldn't help but feel comfortable with her.

Then I looked over her shoulder before seeing two strips of bacon in the pan, my eyes turning in curiosity. "What are ya making?"

Calla didn't flitch of course, simply keeping her eyes glued to work before turning the stripes of meat over with her chopsticks. "Breakfast. I thought we could do eggs and bacon today."

The idea sounded heavenly, knowing that her cooking was absolutely amazing. She must have had a alot of practice at it, given how skilled she was. I wondered if she cooked a lot before she came here, if it was some kind of pastime for her?

Either way, I was so incredibly grateful for it, not remembering when the last time I had a home cooked meal was before her. She didn't have to do all this, but even so she did for me. And that made my heart twist and turn in such dangerous ways.

Widening my eyes at the strange feeling, I then immediately unlatched myself from her side before slapping my cheeks in order to wake up to reality. What was I thinking?! I needed to stop feeling this way. It was just breakfast, nothing more.

Although I was quickly stopped when Calla turned to me, her head twisting in confusion as my hands remained frozen on my cheeks. "Is that some kind of weird bird thing you do?"

Gasping at the fact I had been caught, I then lifted my wings upwards before giving a fake stretch and yawning "Ah, just waking up! I just feel kinda tired, that's all."

And it was obvious that Calla didn't believe me in the slightest, her brow rising in skepticism before quickly forgetting the strange action in order to put a plate down next to me at the table. "Right...well here's your food."

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