⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆Calla。˚☽˚。⋆

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Feeling my heart pound inside my chest, I sharply turned to the left of the chaos, my frantic eyes searching for one thing and one thing only.


I needed to find her

I felt her, the soulmate bond pulling me across the battlefield of haywire quirks only to feel the hair on the back of my arm stand up as another presence seemed to appear behind me. No, that wasn't my love. That was..

Before I could finish the sentence, he spoke, freezing everything inside of me. "A valiant effort indeed. But still not enough. Looks like it will be me that gives the final blow this time."

Feeling my back hit a wall a moment later, the villain chuckled in glee at my fear only for my eyes to harden. No, I wouldn't let him win. Even if I died here, there was no way I was going to let this monster hurt her ever again.

I would protect her, no matter what.

Feeling my head grow light headed with adrenaline I forced myself to speak. "It doesn't matter. I won't let you hurt her anymore."

The nameless villain only lifted his hands up in explanation though, his tone void of any kind of emotion, almost like he was enjoying some kind of game. "You don't understand, boy. I'm making things even. Your lover ruined everything for me, so it is now my job to ruin everything for her."

Then before I could speak, he had his rough hands around my neck, squeezing the life out of me as I gasped for air. No, it couldn't end like this. Not again. I couldn't leave her alone. She was already so lonely.

My thoughts were cut off though as the world started to close around me, my fingers clawing at skin just to free myself to no avail.

And the villain, he enjoyed every minute of it. "You see, you misspoke. I won't be the one that will hurt her, you will. Over and over again, the one that will continue and forever destroy her will be you, dear lover."

I felt my eyes widen in realization for his sick words only to blink and find my love standing at the end of the hall, her blue eyes lined with tears of fury as she watched the life disappear from my eyes.

No, I couldn't let her see.

Look away, my love. I don't want this to haunt you.

But my pleas fell on deaf ears as I watched her legs move forwards just before the monster chuckled with glee and used his entire power to crush my windpipe completely.

And before I heard the sickening sound of my own neck snapping, I heard something else.

A scream, laced with haunting, spine-tingling terror.




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