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Warning: Dark Themes and NSWF Content

Warning: Dark Themes and NSWF Content

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Hawks POV:

Landing in front of the familiar safehouse, I folded my wings behind me before looking up at the small building, the foundation sandwiched between two larger ones next to it. It looked unassuming and rather plain, but perhaps that was the intent given it was supposed to have hidden Calla from All for One and his followers.

I then shoved my hands into my pockets before moving up to the small steps in order to take out the tiny key that was wrapped in the paper All Might had given me. Looks like I was going in through the entrance this time and not the window. How different for me.

Laughing to myself at the bad joke, I then turned the key into the lock in order to push the door open with faint curiosity. Now I could find some answers about the strange mysterious woman.

    Yet before I stepped inside, my mind hypothesized what I would find. It was really dark when I found her after all so I didn't have much time to look over the place. It seemed I had other priorities in mind, like saving her life when she didn't want me to.

  Which honestly was strange in itself. I mean, who didn't want to be saved by a murderous villain? Some kind of crazy person, that was for sure.

Although I wouldn't really categorize her like that either. Yes, Calla was strange and unusual, that was proven, but she wasn't crazy. In fact, the woman seemed rather calculating, picking out my weaknesses and insecurities like nothing.

Which was a very dangerous trait to have considering no one had figured out my fake act before. What else could she sense, what else wasn't she telling me? That was something I wasn't sure if I really wanted to know.

But either way, I knew a couple things about her for sure. Calla was a great cook who only cared about a select number of people, and I somehow happened to be on that list. And because of that, it seemed to be her mission in life to make sure I was happy and successful.

Even if I didn't deserve it.

Shaking the thought away, I then hummed to myself in order to push the door open. She was always so loving and mindful of my apartment so I was sure that her house would be the same.

I allowed myself to step into the dark corridor in order to find a small staircase to my left. Huh, her house must have been on the second floor. This looked like a little foyer. How cute. Well, time to see what the rest looks like.

Wasting no time, I then moved up the steps in order to find a small light switch to my left as my feathers turned on the object with ease.

Yet the moment the lights flicked on, my smile couldn't help but drop at the sight of what was in front of me. This wasn't anything like I pictured at all.

The place looked so disheveled, with clothes and various glass bottles trailing the floor as I walked. The kitchen that he was so certain would be lovingly was dead and cold with empty cabinets and old empty dishes piled across the counters. It looked like no one had eaten here in years.

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