⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。Thirty-Five。˚☽˚。⋆

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Calla POV:

Humming to myself absentmindedly, my hips swung to the soft sound of the radio in order to move around the kitchen with a small smile. After my relaxing night with Hawks I found myself with the best sleep in years and a peace I hadn't realized I had still possessed.

I could still taste the familiar salty sea water in my mouth as my fingers tingled with the feeling of Hawks' strong chest on my skin. I could've stayed there forever, and a part of me wishes I had. Although, it seems like mentally I hadn't actually left that calm delusion yet.

But for once, I didn't force myself to wake up from this nice wonderful dream of hope.

Just then, I felt a pair of strong hands wrap around my waist, pulling backwards into his chest as I heard my soulmate's gentle voice in my ears. "Good morning. Someone's in a good mood today. I don't think I've ever seen you this happy."

Not fighting my captive, I replied shortly. "I just had a good night's rest, that's all."

Keigo only hummed at that, his lips pressing against my hair with a move that made my chest flutter. "What a coincidence, me too."

Happy that he had slept well, I lifted my hand up before ruffling his hair softly like I usually did nowadays. He had come a long way from his stiff fake persona I used to see. Now he looked free, able to express whatever he needed to.

And for that, I was insanely grateful.

Yet that's when his voice turned into something more mischievous before his hold on her waist tightened a moment later. "In fact, it was so good that I wanna do this.."

Gasping to myself, I then suddenly felt my feet leave the ground as Keigo spun me around in the circle just like last night before shifting me around so that I was facing him. "H-Hey Keigo, what are you doing?"

The bird then trailed his fingers towards my arm in order to gently grab my hand with a smile that made me melt entirely. "Dancing of course. I really like this song."

With the vague sound of the radio in my ears, I turned my head towards the sight before realizing it was still playing. What a hopeless romantic he was. For someone that claimed wasn't good at romance he sure was dangerous to a woman's heart.

Feeling a girlish and foolish giggle escape my lips without permission my fingers tightened around his hold before shaking my head. "You silly bird! I gotta make breakfast!"

Keigo only shook his head as well, returning my gesture and throwing it away as we moved to the music with another skip. "You can make it later. First I gotta do this.."

Not understanding, I then felt my body fall downwards before Keigo's strong arms wrapped around my waist, keeping me from plummeting to the ground as he dipped me with that same boyish grin I knew like the back of my hand.

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