Earthquakes aren't fun - C

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Warnings: Earthquakes, Natural Disasters, Worry, Hurt/Comfort

The guys are in a foreign city when an earthquake hits, separating Chris from the rest


The boys were almost finished with their tour, with only a few days remaining until they were set to return home. They all had the best time doing what they loved, interacting with fans and playing games with each other. Though if they were honest, as fun as it was, they were also quite tired at this point. That's also the reason why despite being in a new, big city that they've never been to before, they chose to spend their free afternoon lounging around their hotel room. 

They spent the last few hours watching series on the tv, napping and scrolling on their phones. Honestly, it was just what they needed and Nick and Matt were in absolutely no rush to do anything else with their day. The same couldn't be said for Chris though, who was slowly getting bored, which made it hard for him to stay still.

"Ughh, enough lying around, Nick, Matt, there's still a few hours of light left, let's go do something", he whined, eager to move around a bit.

"Yeah, not happening buddy, I will not be moving from this bed anytime soon, find something else to entertain yourself", Nick shut him down.

"God you're annoying, acting like we're 80 fucking years old. Matty? You'll come with me right?", he asked hopefully, looking at Matt.

"Sorry dude, we've been doing so much lately I really need this rot-day", Matt apologised tiredly.

"Fine then be lame, I'll just go to some shopping centre, see if they have anything good", Chris said while rolling his eyes. He didn't want to go alone, but it beat lying around for the rest of the day. He went to the door and started putting on his shoes and hoody.

"Be careful sweety, don't talk to strangers and make sure to look both ways when you cross the street!", Nick yelled from across the room, not looking up from his phone.

"Bring back some snacks!", Matt added, laughing a bit.

"Fuck you both!", Chris yelled back, already leaving the room.

"Love you too!", both of them replied in unison.

Chris chuckled to himself, closing the hotel room door behind him.


The mall was too far to reach by foot, so Chris took the subway there. After an hour or two of exploring the different stores and trying on a few things, he decided he had had enough and was ready to go back to their room. He stopped to buy a few snacks and drinks for all of them, storing them in his backpack and then made his way back to the subway station. He texted their group chat, letting his brothers know he was on his way back.

Luckily he didn't need to wait long before his train arrived, so Chris boarded the almost empty cart by the end and took a seat, casually looking at the other passengers around. There was only a few of them, a small group of friends, three guys and two girls who looked about the same age as him. They seem fun, he could see them laughing with each other, though he couldn't make out what they were talking about, since he had his earphones in. Watching them made him feel uncomfortably alone though, since he was used to being surrounded by at least two people and being loud and fun like them. 

Whatever, I'll be back soon enough, he thought and proceeded to look out the window, listening to whatever song was currently playing on his playlist.

They were only driving for a few minutes when Chris first felt the shaking. It was just a slight sensation at first, barely harder than the normal rocking of the subway cart. Then suddenly, with little to no warning, the shaking went from a zero to a hundred in a matter of seconds, ooh shit, fuck

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