Gun control pls - M

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Warnings: Non-Graphic Violence, Gun Violence, Gunshot Wounds, Minor Character Death (Not any of them), Shooting, Mild Blood, Panic Attacks, Dissociation

There's a shooting at the mall while Matt happens to be inside


It was a nice warm autumn day, though a bit busy, and since it was already nearing 5pm and they still hadn't eaten, none of them felt up to cooking, so Nick suggested just going out to eat. The others agreed, with Chris adding they could also go catch a movie afterwards. All of them were immediately feeling better, filled with renewed energy at their newly made plans.

They were eating at the restaurant, goofing around and having fun, when Chris accidentally spilled his drink all over Matt's shirt.

"Chris you idiot, see what happens when you act like a god damned monkey", Nick groaned, rolling his eyes.

»Oh for fucks sake watch yourself you fucking goof«, Matt ranted angrily, looking at his shirt and trying and failing to dry it with their napkins.

»Ooops, sorry«, Chris said, alternating between cringing and laughing.

»It's gonna stain now, I'm not going to the movies like that, ugh«, Matt complained further, giving up on trying to save his shirt.

»It's fine, it's just a shirt and it'll be dark inside anyway, no one will care kid, making a big deal out of nothing«, Chris said, which only made Matt angrier.

»For your dirty ass yeah, I'm not going out like that cuz' you can't sit still for more than two seconds.«

By this point they were getting too loud and Nick's had enough of their arguing, »Look Matt, we're not going home because of this, there's a mall across the street, so just run over and buy a new shirt«, he offered a solution.

»Lets all go, I wanna get something too, we're almost done here anyway«, Chris added happily.

»No«, »No the fuck not«, Matt and Nick shot him down immediately, »If you go we can kiss the movies goodbye, Matt can just go really fast while we finish here and we'll meet by the car in fifteen minutes. Sound good?«, Nick asked, looking at Matt for confirmation.

»Agreed«, Matt said, already getting up and grabbing his things, »I'll grab something from the nearest store inside, so you better be ready to go when I'm done, I don't wanna wait for you cuz' you can't stop being an idiot«, looking at Chris with an annoyed expression at the last part.

»Geez kid, just leave already and tone down the mattitude while you're at it«, Chris responded dismissively, waving him off.


Matt just sighed, rolled his eyes and left. Luckily the mall was really close, just across the street from the diner they were in, so it didn't take him more than a couple of minutes to get there and find a clothing store. He saw the store he usually shopped in a little further down, still on the ground floor, so he decided to go there and buy something he'd actually enjoy wearing.

Still, he knew he couldn't just take his time looking around, so he quickly chose the first shirt that looked nice, took out one in his size and went up to pay for it. He explained to the store clerk what happened, gesturing to his dirty shirt, and asked if it was alright if he used the changing rooms to change into the one he just bought. 

The worker agreed, of course, but just as Matt was about to leave the desk and go ahead to one of the free stalls to change, he heard the sound that would mark the start of his greatest nightmare; loud explosive banging noises he instantly recognised as gunshots started echoing in the halls outside the store he was in. If Matt thought that this was the worse sound he'd ever hear, he was quickly proved wrong when panic and pain filled screams joined in only a short moment later.

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