Of Memory Loss & Self-Discovery - N

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Warnings: Accident, Hospital, Medical Inaccuracies, Panic, Sadness, Mentioned Abuse, Mentioned Black-Mail, Fighting (Not Very Descriptive), Cursing, Identity-Crisis, Mental Health Issues

Nick loses his memory and himself

A/N: I felt like making N struggle a bit, he doesn't seem like he'd cope well without his memory (idk who would tbf). Anyway, enjoy reading, give feedback if you feel like it :D

P.S. I never proof-read any of these + this isn't my first language, so if you spot any errors, grammatical or spelling, pleeeassseee point it out, my goal is to practice my language skills haha

The Story:

The triplets decided to go on a vacation to the mountains, to get away from it all for a while and just enjoy the healing effects of nature and each other's company. They also brought their old ice-skates with them, knowing there's a small-ish lake close-by that would be completely frozen over this time of year.

So now Nick stood on the edge of the frozen lake, his breath visible in the cold mountain air. He watched Matt and Chris lace up their skates, their laughter mingling with the sound of the wind through the trees. "Nick, hurry up you slowpoke!" Chris called out, his voice echoing across the ice.

"I'm coming, hold on," Nick yelled back, pulling on his own skates. The ice felt rough under his feet, a noticeable difference between the one he was used to from his hockey days. He took a deep breath and pushed off, joining his brothers in a clumsy sway across the lake.

He came just in time to catch the end of their conversation, as Matt groaned. "I knew it would be harder without a hockey stick for balance, but damn."

"Whoa!" Chris exclaimed, almost losing his balance. "Yeah dude, and I'm out of practice as fuuck."

Nick chuckled, trying to keep his own balance. "Just don't fall on your face, that's all I ask. I do not feel like carrying anyone back."

The three of them skated around, sometimes gracefully, sometimes teetering on the edge of disaster, their laughter filling the air. "Hey, check this out!" Chris shouted, trying a spin and ending up on his back with a thud.

Matt rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Of course you'd do that."

"Bravo, Chris, real graceful," Nick teased sarcastically, but still offered a hand to help Chris up.

Chris stuck his tongue out at them, taking Nick's hand and letting himself be pulled up. "At least I know how to have fun, watching you 'skate' makes me wanna fall asleep."

Before either of them could respond, a sudden rustling sound coming from the woods caught their attention. "What the-," Nick started, but was cut off as a herd of deer burst from the forest, sprinting across the lake. There were at least a dozen of them, running barely twenty feet away from the three, making a mad dash over the lake, trying to get to the other side of the forest.

The brothers froze in place, eyes wide with surprise and a hint of fear, remaining completely still as they watched the herd passed them by. "Holy shit!" Chris breathed out as the deer passed by them, their hooves clattering on the ice.

"That was insane," Matt said, once the deer had disappeared into the woods on the other side and they started to relax.

"Yeah, that was actually crazy, I've never seen a deer from this close before," Nick agreed, still a little shaken.

"Um, no, yes we have? In the zoo when we-," Chris started countering, finally turning from where he watched the deer disappear to, but was quickly cut off by Nick, "In the wild, Einstein. We have never seen fucking wild deer this close before."

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