Vote My Last One-Shots

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First of all, thank you so so much to everyone who read, liked and especially commented on any part of this one-shot book, it's literally what motivated me to write more <3

I've lost interest in the triplets a while ago now, but still felt the drive to write, which is why this lasted as long as it did. Sadly, I've been losing interest in writing as well, and since I will be much more busy for the next few months, I think it's best to more or less 'officially' end this book.

For anyone who has been enjoying these one shots and feels like reading more, I encourage you to give my other two, longer works a try haha

I decided to write one last chapter for each triplet and let you decide the story, so I will write out three potential last stories for each of them, and you can comment either 1, 2 or 3. The story with most votes wins.


1. Part 2 to One For All (depression, ...)

2. Stuck in a house fire

3. Self-sacrifice


1. Part 2 to Of Memory Loss and Self-Discovery 

2. Hiding his depression

3. Heart condition


1. Part 2 to Stalked

2. Drinking/Smoking in secret

3. Killing someone in self-defence 

Soooo... yeah... Thank you in advance to everyone who comments! I will probably wait at least a week or two before I start writing the first one, so you have until then to cast your vote. 

If I ever regain the motivation to write, I might return with a new work or something, idk, it's not likely but never say never I guess. 

For now... it's been fun and I look forward to these last 3 parts! 

Sturniolo Triplets - One Shots/Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now