Crazy Fan - C

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Warnings: Stalking, Crazy Comments, Anxiety, Cursing

Chris gets himself an obsessed fan and she's getting too much to handle

A/N: I likely won't have time to write for a while and just wanted to get this out there haha

Hope you like it & hope you're patient while you wait for potential continuation of this :')

The Story:

Chris lounged in the living room, his phone in hand. The light from the screen flickered across his face as he absentmindedly switched between apps, going through Instagram, TikTok, and then YouTube. While scrolling through TikTok, it didn't take long before he came across an edit of himself, and he paused to watch it – different short clips of him were used, with a black and white filter over them, some trending song playing in the background. Damn, I really look good in this, he thought, smirking to himself. Some skilled editors could really boost his ego.

He instinctively tapped on the comments, wanting to see what their fans were saying about this edit, maybe he'd even like a few, to make them happy. As expected, the comments were mostly positive, but it didn't take a lot of scrolling before one particular comment caught his eye; it was from a user named 'Chrissysmine4evr' and Chris frowned as he read it, his brows furrowed in exasperation, "My love is soo hot, I need to know where they live so I can watch him through the windows for more content."

"What the fuck," Chris muttered to himself, a shiver running down his spine. He quickly closed the comments and scrolled away, the uneasy feeling settling in the pit of his stomach. He didn't feel like watching TikTok anymore. Some of these fans are actual creeps, who the hell says something like that?

Suddenly, Nick's voice called from the other room, "Chris, can you come here for a sec?" Grateful for the distraction, Chris leaped up and hurried to his brother, happy to have something to do.

He found Nick struggling with some video editing. "Look at this part, which do you think would be funnier, the ...," Nick started explaining, gesturing at the screen. Chris, always full of opinions, dove into helping Nick, their heads close together as they focused on the task.

It didn't take him long to completely forget about the weird comment.




A few days passed and life went on as normal. It was now Tuesday night, the day in-between their videos, so Chris decided to upload a post on Instagram, the series of photographs showing himself and himself with each brother enjoying an evening walk, posing in various parts of the park they liked to visit.

The problem came later, as he scrolled through the comments. It was that same account from before, ughh, not her again... he groaned internally. But it was, 'Chrissysmine4evr' had left another comment, a crazier one than the one from before; "Omg, I love how he keeps posting pics outside, giving me clues to find him, taunting me like a bad boy."

A wave of discomfort washed over Chris. He felt a prickling sensation on the back of his neck, like he was being watched. The comment was beyond creepy, unsettling, but Chris tried to brush it off as just some weird person online, I know she's probably just trying to be funny, but DAMN, can she like... not?

He sighed loudly and rolled his eyes, and decided not to mention it to anyone yet. He locked his phone and tried to shake off the unease, but a lingering sense of apprehension stayed with him.




The next time he came across one of her comments was just two days later, when he scrolled through the comments under their most recent YouTube video – a random vlog of them going through the city and enjoying their time together.

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