Presumed Dead - M

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Warnings: Plane Crash, Anxiety, Panic, Grief, Emotional Breakdown, Temporary Character Death, Angst With Happy Ending

Nick and Chris watch the news as the plane Matt was supposed to be on crashes

A/N: Had this idea and wanted to get it out, I'll go back to requests after this :P Please let me know what you thought!

The Story: 

The afternoon sun filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow in Matt's old room in Boston where the triplets were currently staying at. Their planned visit was nearing its end, they were supposed to fly back to LA tomorrow, but they were faced with a small problem; Matt was obviously sick.

He's been feeling poorly for the past couple of days, and even developed a small fever the day before. They were honestly hoping he'd be well enough to travel by now, but since he was still groaning in pain and even threw up a couple of times today, that plan didn't seem likely anymore.

Matt, still nestled under the covers, lay propped up on the pillows, his aura slightly dimmed by the remnants of his recent illness. He rubbed his temples, trying to dispel the nagging headache that had plagued him the night before.

Chris, a whirlwind of energy as always, paced around the room while Nick sat perched on the edge of Matt's bed, concern etched into the lines of his face. "You sure you're gonna be fine on your own, Matt?" Nick asked, his voice revealing his concern.

After a short discussion, they had agreed that Nick and Chris would go on ahead and catch their scheduled flight, while Matt would rest up back at home under the care of their parents, and then come after them in a few days. Though he had never flown alone before, so Nick was just slightly hesitant about leaving him, not wanting any potential anxiety to make his recovery time longer.

Matt nodded weakly. "Yeah, yeah, I'm not stupid, I'll manage just fine."

"I'm not so sure about that, I bet you'll manage to get on the wrong flight and end up calling us in panic from Canada or some shit," Chris quipped, a teasing grin on his face, trying to lighten the mood.

Matt managed to roll his eyes but winced slightly at the motion. "Worry about yourself, you dork."

Nick just sighed, accepting their unlucky situation. "Well, it is what it is. If you're sure, I can reschedule your ticket for you now."

Matt nodded slightly, looking up at him gratefully. "Yes please, I think I'd die if I had to look at a screen right now."

Nick wasted no time and quickly altered Matt's flight information while he and Chris chatted lightly. "Done, your new flight leaves on Friday, so you better be all better by then."

"For sure, if I'm sick any longer I'll murder someone, ugh", Matt groaned, "just be sure to text me through the days so I won't get too bored."

Chris chuckled, "I don't know if there's even time for you to get bored, with how much you've been sleeping recently."

"Lay off, Chris, he needs all the rest he can get to get better," Nick sighed, "anyway, we leave tomorrow, so you'll be on your own for the flight. Make sure you leave on time and don't forget to pack anything."

Matt just flipped him off, "Thanks for the trust, I feel so reassured."

The three joked around for a little bit longer, before Matt's eyes got to heavy and he fell asleep mid-conversation. It took a minute for Nick and Chris to notice, but when they did, they just laughed softly, fixed Matt's blanket and quietly left the room.

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