Bear Trap - N (short)

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Warnings: Stress, Panic

The brothers go for a walk in the woods and Nick steps in a bear trap

It was autumn, one of the brothers' favourite seasons. They had just come back from touring and had not yet had the chance to relax and let go of all the stress that built up. All of them have been feeling overwhelmed lately, so they came up with the idea to just 'escape' the city for an afternoon and go enjoy the nature. So they agreed on taking the afternoon off and go on a nature walk in the nearby forest, it was a perfect way to experience the beautiful autumn colours, breathe fresh air and clear their minds.

Early one Saturday morning, the three brothers packed a small picnic basket with sandwiches, fruit, and water bottles and made their way to a nearby forest. As predicted, the cool breeze and the rustling leaves seemed to wash away their worries.

The forest was an open paradise; the brown, red, orange, yellow and green mixing together perfectly. Tall trees stretched their branches towards the sky, letting just enough light through to make everything appear even more magical. Birds chirped melodiously overhead, and even Nick couldn't complain about how nice it sounded.

"Guys, this place is incredible," Nick exclaimed, looking around in awe. "I can already feel the tension leaving my shoulders."

Matt grinned. "That's the idea, Nick."

Chris, ever the competitive one, piped in, "Ey guys, how about a little competition? Let's see who can find the weirdest mushroom."

Nick chuckled. "You're on, kid. Just be sure to wash your hands before eating anything afterwards, we don't need anyone accidentally poisoning themselves."

They strolled deeper into the forest, their eyes scanning the forest floor for mushrooms. It wasn't long before they spotted their first batch of mushrooms. Nick bent down to pluck one from the ground.

"I got one! Look at how ugly this fucker is" he called out, holding it up triumphantly.

Chris, not one to be outdone, quickly followed suit. "And I've got one too! There's no way you're topping this little shit"

Matt took more time to look around, but eventually settled on one. "Looks like I'm in the lead, guys", he said while smiling, holding up a mushroom none of them have ever seen before.

As they continued their mushroom hunt, laughter filled the air. They teased each other about who would find the biggest or most colourful mushroom. It was a simple, carefree afternoon and they were truly enjoying the different scenery and each other's company.

Their friendly competition led them deeper into the forest, each brother determined to find the ultimate mushroom. But as they ventured further from the well-used path, the forest grew denser and the undergrowth thicker. It was in this remote section of the woods that Nick's foot landed on something hard and metallic.

He instinctively looked down and immediately froze as his heart dropped to his stomach at what he saw. Please no, this isn't really happening, Nick thought as he squeezed his eyes shut, not ready to accept reality. "G-guys?", his voice trembled as he called out to the others walking in front of him.

Matt and Chris heard the tone of his voice and immediately held their conversation to look back at him. "What's up, kid?", Chris asked warily, already turning towards Nick and looking him over for any signs of what could be wrong.

"H-help me, I need help", Nick was usually a lot more calm and responsive in serious situations, but serious injuries and bleeding were one of his biggest fears, "oh my god, come help me right now". He was alternating between looking at them and up to the sky, shutting his eyes tightly, trying to stop himself from getting sick and possibly trigger the device.

Matt and Chris rushed to his side, concern etched on their faces. It didn't take them long to notice Nick had stepped onto a hidden bear trap, the steel jaws shining where the sunlight hit them, ready to snap at any moment. "What's- ohmygod fuck Nick", Matt felt instantly sick with panic. "Ohh fucking hell, shit, don't move Nick", Chris's hands flew to his head in shock.

"No shit Sherlock", Nick yelled out in panic fuelled anger. Fear gripped Nick's heart as he looked down at the brutal contraption holding him hostage. "Guys, what do we do? This thing looks like it'll go off any second! I am not losing my leg today"

Chris quickly knelt beside him, examining the trap. "Stay calm, Nick. We need to figure out how to release it without setting it off."

Matt was already looking something up on his phone, "I got it, I found a tutorial on YouTube", he said, showing the video to Chris as well.

They watched the video through twice, very intensely, concentrating to the fullest. When they finished and they felt like they waited long enough, Chris straightened up and mentally steeled himself, he needed to be the strong one right now. "Matt, get on his other side, we'll each have to pull on one spring."

As Matt and Chris took their positions, Nick's heart raced. He tried to keep his movements slow and deliberate, mindful not to change the pressure he was putting on the trap and accidentally triggering it. Matt and Chris carefully worked to disengage the trap, doing exactly as they saw in the video.

Sweat beaded on their brows as they worked in silence, their eyes fixed on the trap. It was a tense and nerve-wracking ordeal, with the possibility of setting off the bear trap looming over them.

"Easy, guys," Nick urged. "We can do this. Just take it slow."

Minutes felt like hours as they continued their delicate operation. Every creak and groan of the metal sent shivers down their spines. But they couldn't give up or even stop to take a break, they needed to free Nick as soon as possible.

Then, after what felt like forever, the two finally succeeded, and Nick succeeded in not getting sick or fainting. They did it, Nick was safe. He pulled his leg away as quickly as he could, taking a good few steps away from the cursed object, letting out a sigh of relief as he did so. The next moment, his legs basically gave out under him and Nick stumbled to the ground, still breathing heavily, trying to calm down, but he still felt sick and his vision was blurring.

Chris and Matt quickly joined him, kneeling down next to him, their faces pale from the adrenaline rush. "I can't believe that happened," Chris muttered, his voice shaky.

"Are you okay bro? Is this a panic attack? Do you need anything?", Matt asked, worried for his brother's mental state, now that the biggest danger was over.

Nick looked up at him, gripping Chris's shoulder for support. "I'm okay, guys, just need a moment. Thanks for keeping your cool back there."

With Nick safely freed from the bear trap, they decided it was best to head back to the familiar parts of the forest. The once-cheerful mushroom-picking contest was forgotten, replaced by a collective desire to return to safety.

They found a clearing and settled down on the forest floor, their bodies still trembling from the encounter with the trap. Nick looked at his brothers, gratitude welling up in his eyes.

"I don't know what I would have done without you two," Nick admitted, his voice filled with emotion. "You saved me."

Chris wrapped an arm around Nick's shoulders. "You don't need to thank us kid, we'll always have your back. You'd do the same for us anyway."

Matt chimed in, "He's right Nick, let's just appreciate we have each other, this could've gone a lot differently if we didn't."

They looked at each other, each lost in their own thoughts for a while.

The three sat in silence, calming down from the adrenaline and stress, taking in the peaceful beauty of the forest. The rustling leaves and the distant chirping of birds once again served as a soothing backdrop.

As the tension slowly dissipated, Nick extended his arms, inviting his brothers for a group hug. They embraced tightly, finding comfort in their closeness and shared experience.

It was just another situation in which their team work and trust in each other helped them achieve their happy ending.

Notes: I don't have much time and motivation to write longer stories atm so I figured short was better than nothing I guess haha

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