Easy Target - N (request)

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Warnings: Bullying, Light Homophobia, Cursing, Confrontations, Illegal Revenge

Nick gets picked on by an old fashioned, stupid body guard while on tour

A/N: I saw multiple bullying stories taking place while in high school, so I decided to make on while they're already older, so I don't think Nick would be as affected by such comments, other than just getting tired of them, idk. Anyway, feel free to leave requests at the other part dedicated to them :D Hope you enjoy this one!

The Story:

The backstage area buzzed with pre-show activity, the atmosphere heavy with a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation. Nick was just leaving the bathroom, ready to head back to their changing room and prepare to take the stage with his brothers. The lively vibe, however, soured as he noticed Bill, one of their bodyguards, who was sent to accompany him back.

Nick sighed and mentally prepared for what was coming.

As soon as Bill was close enough, he just couldn't hold himself back and started with his usual bullshit. "More and more girls are showing up here half naked, doesn't anyone know how to dress appropriately anymore? Young people these days, no respect, no decency. Where is this world going?"

Nick, by now already accustomed to the guy's unsolicited opinions, simply rolled his eyes. "Probably to a place where we don't judge people based on their fashion choices. Crazy idea, right?"

Bill, seemingly undeterred, zeroed in on Nick's appearance. "What's with that outfit, anyway? And those nails? You're not even trying to look like a man."

Nick was quick to fire back, aggressive sarcasm heavy in his tone, "Oh, sorry, I forgot that my nails and wardrobe choices determine my gender. My bad."

But, as always, Bill pressed on. "At least the other two of ya' are more normal. Hopefully they rub off on you a lil' bit."

Nick's patience wore thin, and he shot back with a raised eyebrow, "Normal? Yeah, because that's such a thrilling quality. Really a standard to aim for."

The verbal exchange went on as Bill continued voicing his below-average thoughts and opinions, each comment aimed to chip away at Nick's confidence. Nick, however, didn't let himself falter, he wouldn't give the asshole the satisfaction.

With a dismissive wave, Nick quipped, "Your insightful commentary really adds value to your job, Bill. Remind me, is criticizing outfits and nails part of security training these days? Or is it just the fashionista in you? Maybe you should stick to the silent and serious type—you know, the cool-guy cliché."

With that, Nick decided he'd had enough and stormed away, not waiting for the other's response. He headed backstage where Matt and Chris were already waiting.

This has unfortunately been going on for weeks now, ever since the tour started. Generally speaking, they had a good team behind them and they've gotten used to working together. That was with everyone except Bill – one of their bodyguards.

He only ever targeted Nick, always picking at his appearance and even went as far as showing clear distain for his sexuality. It started subtly at first, with small comments here and there that Nick chose to brush off. But with time, Bill grew bolder, and by now he was confident there'd be no consequences, so he dared to insult Nick directly.

The only reason Nick hadn't said anything about it was honestly because he hadn't cared – at least not at first. He was confident and sure of himself, no random, unimportant, uneducated troll with muscles for brains would change that. So despite the hurtful and unwarranted commentary, Nick continued to roll his eyes and fire back at the asshole.

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