#5-girl pride

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So yeah today was my schools sports day and OMG my crush that kinda went away and now kinda came back HE WAS AT OUR BLOODY SPORTS DAY....
This is literally all I was thinking while I was waiting for my class to race,"why does he keep staring at me,oh shit do I have something on my face,ughh the one day I wear sweatpants that are so damn comfortable he has to bloody come and see me FUCK MY LIFE-_-"xD but yeah back to the stuff that most people would actually want to know....

I got 4th places in both races I would've gotten third in the sack race if the stupid people that are meant to look actually look right-_-
but I honestly don't really mind,because I had a good day anyways....I bought alot of sweets and chocolaye stuff but I swear coca cola is lying that the diet coke has'one calorie only'yeah right that's pure bullshit(btw I had to take that coke since the original one was out of stock)and ya see that diet coke?It did some shit to my stomach that made it feel sore.....I bet you it was all the bloody sweeteners in the coke*-*

Anyways after the coke thing I went to shoot a goal and this stupid bloody feminist boy pissed me of and I wanted to beat him and show the basterd a goal.
Wanna know what happened?*sure you do xD
I got a goal and he didn't xD

You thought I would've lost didn't you?HELLL NAHHH I WANNA KEEP MY PRIDE xD
*and every other girls on the the planets pride too....

Well after that like 95% of the people were gone and my parents said that they were in Newry(it's a place in Northern Ireland)and they let me walk home with my friend BUT HELLL NAHH THE STUPID ASS TEACHER's JUST HAD TO GET INVOLVED and they didn't let me go home but me and my friend were alowd to draw on the whiteboard so that was good,but a while later the teacher had to go to a meeting....a while later my friends dad came and she convinced me to go with her ,so he dropped me off at my house and plot twist:i missheard my parents so what they actually meant was that they were gonna wait for me at home until I came and then we would all go to Newry:)

So at Newry my Mam got me new shoes they're called roshaes *I don't know if that's how you spell it...
I'll put them in the pic.
So to sum my day it was actually pretty good;)
Advice:don't drink diet coke xD

Heyy guyss!!!hope you liked this rant:)this is actually longer than my usual rants....
Anyways comment your opinions on diet coke if you think the 'one calorie only'thing is real or not.
Vote if you like this rant or if you can relate;)
(32reads and 8votes you guys are nice people)

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