Hyunjin grins and grabs my hand pulling me towards the cafe me, Jang-Mi and Mei visited a few days ago.
"I found this dog cafe--"
"I've been here! Don't worry," I giggle at Hyunjin's excitement.
We take a seat as the waiter approaches us.
"Here again Lix?" Jin laughs, high-fiving me.
"And with your boyfriend this time?" Jin smirks as Hyunjin and I blush like crazy.
"N-no... he's not my boyfriend, Jin Hyung," I stutter.
"Not yet," Hyunjin whispers, winking at me. I burrow my flustered face in my hands.
"Aww... you two would make quite a couple! Anyway, I'll send Hobi over. He'd be really happy to see you," Jin says, walking back to the kitchen. Not even a second later, Hoseok barges through the counter and engulfs me in a hug.
"Hey buddy!" he exclaims.
"Argh! Hobi Hyung! Don't hug me that tight!" I whine. Hoseok pouts before letting me go.
"Fineeee. How are you-- ooh who is this?" Hoseok asks.
"That's Hyunjin... he's a uhh-- friend...?" I say.
"Soon-to-be boyfriend," Hyunjin mutters, glaring at Hoseok, "So let go of Felix."
"Damn. Possessive much?" Hoseok giggles.
"W-what??" I mumble.
"Whatever! Do you like the design?" Hoseok asks.
"Yeah! I thought the puppies and furniture weren't due till next week?" I ask, completely forgetting about what Hyunjin just said.
"They came early!" Hoseok grins, "Why don't you order, then you can play with some of the puppies?"
"Okay! I'll take Matcha Milk Tea with Pearls. What about you Hyunjin?"
"Once Iced Americano," Hyunjin orders, still glaring at Hoseok. Hoseok nods.
"Alright see ya! Feel free to play with any of the puppies," Hoseok grins.
I stand up and run towards the puppy immediately petting the one closest to me. Suddenly four of them pounced on me and licked me all over the face. I burst into giggles. After a while, some of the dogs waddle away but one sticks to me. I pick it up.
"Hyunnie! Look!" I exclaim, holding up the puppy. I didn't realize the nickname had slipped. Hyunjin nods but isn't looking at the puppy instead he's staring at me. There's a serene and happy smile playing on his lips as he stares at me with hearty eyes. I put the puppy down, petting it softly.
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(what Felix looked like)
"Felix! You're drinks are here," Jin says. I stand up and walk over to Hyunjin, the puppy still in my hands.
"Oh! I see you've met Tori?" Jin smiles.
"Yeah! He's so cute! He reminds my old dog, Berry!" I exclaim.
"Weird... Tori always fears new people, but he seems to be very happy with you!" Jin murmurs.
"Jin Hyung, why does Tori have this cloth on him?" I ask curiously.
"Oh, that! Tori didn't have a good life. The reason he fears humans is because he used to be a stray dog who was severely mistreated. The cloth is to cover his wounds," Jin sadly explains.
"Aww... poor Tori. I'm going to come here every day to play with him!" I shout.
"He would love that," Jin laughs, placing the drink on the table. I set Tori on my lap as I sip on my boba. Jin walks off, talking to another customer as Hyunjin scrolls through his phone. I run my hand through Tori's curly and soft hair, scratching behind his ears as he barks in delight. I giggle.
"Cute..." I hear Hyunjin whisper from opposite me. I look up to see him smiling at me.
"I said cute," Hyunjin says.
"Oh, the dog?"
"No... you. You're cute," Hyunjin murmurs. Heat rises to my cheeks as I look away.
"T-thanks-s," I stutter, avoiding eye contact with Hyunjin.
"Lix, look at me," Hyunjin orders. I continue to stare at Tori but Hyunjin doesn't seem to like this so he moves beside me. I slightly shuffle away from him, making him pout. He snakes his arms around my waist, yanking me closer to him.
"Yah!" I shriek.
"I'm sorry," he whispers.
"I'm sorry..."
"I already forgave you--"
"But I feel so shit. I hate myself for treating you that way," Hyunjin sighs.
"I also hate you for doing that to me... but as much as I do... I still forgive you. If everyone gets mad at each other and never apologizes, this world will never be equal. No one is going to agree with anything and everyone will hate each other. So at the end of everything, we still need to learn to forgive," I say.
"Thanks Lix..."
"No problem..."
"Also... you called me Hyunnie."
"What? When did I--"
"When you were playing with Tori," Hyunjin smirks.
"I did!? Uhh-- I'm sorry!" I cry in embarrassment.
"No... I liked it. I want you to call me by the nickname," Hyunjin smiles.
"Oh... okay... Hyunnieeee...?" I mumble. Hyunjin ruffles my hair.
"Should we head back?" Hyunjin asks. I nod.
"Bye, Tori!" I exclaim, putting him back into the puppy pen.
"Bye Jin Hyung! Bye Hobi Hyung!" I say, waving my friends goodbye.
We walk away from the cafe, Hyunjin still clinging to me.
"Hyunnie, I think I should leave. It's well past school time and I need to head home," I say trying to pull my arm away from his grip.
"Fineeee. You'll come to school tomorrow right?" he pleads.
"Yeah, I will. I have my chemistry test tomorrow-- SHIT! I HAVE MY CHEMISTRY TEST TOMORROW. I FORGOT TO STUDY!" I yell, "Sorry Hyunnie! I need to go! See ya!"
I run towards my neighborhood, picking up my phone in the process.
"Olivia! Come and pick me up, please!" I shout over the phone.
"Sorry! But I have Chem tomorrow and I need to study!"
"You're not supposed to procrastinate! I wish you were more organized!" Olivia complains.
"Look who is talking! You're the messiest person ever!" I argue.
"I'm going to start black-mailing if you don't shut up!" Olivia shouts.