Camp Half-Blood

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When Paul and Sally arrived at Half-Blood Hill, he stopped the car and they walked up to Thalia's pine tree. Sally looked down into the valley to find Chiron, but only saw campers. One of the kids saw the two of them standing there and went to greet them.

"Hello, who are you?" said the young girl.

"Hi, we are Percy's parents, could you get Chiron and say we are here please?" asked Sally.

She nodded and ran to the big house. After a minute of waiting they saw Chiron come out and trot up the hill.

"Sally, Paul, what are you doing here? Did something happen?"

"Something bad happened, but we would rather not talk about it in the open" Paul answered. "Could you let us in?"

Chiron gave them permission to enter camp, and they all walked down to the big house. They sat in the living area and Sally told Chiron everything, including her plans on revenge. Neither Paul or Chiron said anything the entire time, but it was clear that Chiron had no idea that Sally felt that way.

"Kelli threatened that she would find me again, and that I wouldn't be so lucky. So we came here to get weapons for our apartment when she comes. Maybe try to figure out who her master is." finished Sally.

Chiron waited before saying something. "I did not realize that you wanted to do such horrible things, and I'm happy that you're rethinking this. It is quite suspicious that you had a dream next to a giant pit, like Percy's dreams from his first quest. He was next to the pit to Tartarus in the Underworld, so I'm assuming that's where you were. I'm not sure who Kelli's master is, but one thing is certain, this is going to be very bad without Percy here to stop them."

"This is why I wanted to get revenge!" Sally yelled. "Because every time something bad happened, you called in my son to fix the problem like he was a janitor cleaning up a mess in a school! Just because he is gone, doesn't mean that someone else can't fix this."

"I'm sorry Sally, I shouldn't have worded it like that. Percy was a wonderful person, and we all miss him. What I meant was that since he isn't here, we will need to find someone else to help with the problem, but Percy and his friends would have been perfect for something like this."

Sally still didn't look happy about the way Chiron had said this, but she kept quiet. Paul could understand why she had gotten angry, since Chiron had just said that he wished he could send Percy on another quest that could kill him. Percy was still a kid, but everyone's first thought when something evil was happening is that Percy needs to fix it. The poor guy never got a break for longer than a few months, and then he was sent to save the world again.

"What do you think Paul?" questioned Sally.

"Hmm? Sorry, what were you talking about?" Paul said.

"We were talking about what we should do about what Kelli said about how she was going to come back." Chiron answered. "Sally and I think you guys should stay here so you're protected by the camp's border and be surrounded with weapons to protect yourselves."

"I agree, this way we can also investigate on why Kelli said that Zeus wasn't the one to actually kill Percy." Paul agreed.

"It's settled then, you guys can stay here. We have guest bedrooms down the hall if you want to stay in the big house."

Sally and Paul shared a look before responding. "Actually we would rather stay in Cabin Three, if that's alright" said Sally.

"That's fine, I will get you some blankets and pillows. I'm sure you know the way by now." Chiron said.

"Yes, we will meet you there."

Sally and Paul left to go to the cabins while Chiron went to the camp store, and on the way they saw many campers playing games with friends or training. They watched some older kids climb up the lava wall quickly and smiling down to their friends when they got to the top. They saw younger kids playing volleyball, having a fun time. These kids didn't have to go on deadly quests every few months, or make decisions that could save the world. They could enjoy their time here at camp and learn to defend themselves and how to use their powers, if they had any. They could enjoy themselves here, in the safety of the camp's borders.

When they came to Cabin Three, Sally paused before going in. Paul took her hand and they both walked into the cabin. They looked at Percy's old bed, and saw all his pictures with his friends. He was smiling in every one, and looked like he was a normal kid who didn't save the world twice. Sally took the bed next to it, and Paul took the top bunk. They put their belongings in the drawers, and waited for Chiron.

After a few minutes, he wheeled into the cabin and gave them their bedding, and told them dinner was starting soon. After he left, the two of them made their beds before going to walk the grounds. They saw some campers going back to their cabins, and a few couples enjoying their time together, sitting in silence. They heard the conch shell and all left to go to the mess hall, and Sally and Paul sat with Chiron and Dionysus. When everyone yelled "To the gods!", Sally and Paul were the only ones who stayed silent. Throughout dinner a couple kids got claimed, which was a normal occurrence. But wasn't normal was that one of them was a daughter of Poseidon. Apparently she had come to camp a few weeks before, but she had just gotten claimed. She looked to be around 10 years old. It didn't seem that she liked attention, and she moved from the Hermes table to the Poseidon table.  She started to eat alone, and Sally and Paul both got up to go sit there. When they sat down across from her, she looked up, but continued with her food.

"Hello there, what's your name?" said Sally.

"Nina" the girl said quietly.

"Nice to meet you Nina, I'm Sally. This is Paul, he's my husband."

 Paul gave a little wave. Nina waved back.

"Did anyone tell you about Percy Jackson?" Sally questioned.

"They told me he's a son of Poseidon, and super powerful, and saved the world two times. They also said he was killed about 6 months ago." Nina said.

"Well that is all true, including the last part sadly. He was a great hero, but he was also a fantastic person with tons of friends. Everyone loved him and he loved them all back, and he had amazing parents who loved him so much. Do you know what their names are?"

Nina shook her head.

"Percy had a mom and a stepdad named Sally and Paul, and they loved him more than anything in the world." Sally said.

Nina's eyes widened in realization and Sally gave a small smile.

"I'm sorry for your loss."

Sally held the little girl's hand in thanks. "It's okay, because he's with his friends now. He can finally have peace."

"My mom and stepdad were killed by monsters that found our house. We lived in New York, not the city. Before my mom was killed, an arrow appeared over my head and she knew exactly what it was. She told me to follow the arrow to a place called Camp Half-Blood, and they would explain everything there. She gave me a dagger and told me to use it if anything like the things that attacked us tried to get me. So I followed the arrow for weeks, using the dagger sometimes on monsters, when I finally got here."

Sally did not expect this little girl to have such a traumatic thing happen to her, and at such a young age. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that, it must have been so hard."

After dinner, everyone went down to their cabins, and Nina came with Sally and Paul to her new cabin. When they all went to bed, all Sally could think about was that the next day, she was going to spend all her time helping Nina train and keeping her safe. This little girl was not going to go through this by herself.

A/N ~ Hey everyone! Sorry I'm a couple days late, I kept procrastinating. I put myself in the story, heheheh. No I'm not ten years old. I feel bad for the back story but hey demigods having traumatic experiences is part of their resumes. I did not plan on adding a character at all and now I have tons of ideas, so the finishing date is obviously getting stretched. I have no idea what it will be now, but hopefully it won't interrupt school too much. Comment what you think of this chapter. Is it good? Is it bad? Vote if you like it. Thanks!

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