𝑰𝑽. ☁️

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the day of the trial was a nervous one for Xavier. Latissimus showed up, seemingly more distant. Xavier wasn't sure what to think of it, but he figured that he probably should distance himself from latissimus as well.

"... thank you for doing this, Latissimus."

"well, of course. I can't have one of my angels be locked up in the cruel underworld prisons... sit back and watch me work."

many demons whispered to each other as they watched both the angels walk down the court aisle-

"he doesn't look like a drug smuggler..."

"wow, I still can't believe that an angel was caught doing something like this..."

they only exacerbated Xavier's anxiety about the whole thing. and, as planned, Oriana Paulina and Sir Godbrand were already present. and so was Oriana's father, Beelze.

"all rise! the honorable judge Leonidas Brutus presiding..."

the trial followed the normal course of events, until the prosecution rose from his seat. he was a sharply dressed demon with mighty black wings. his head and torso were humanoid, but his arms were bird wings and his legs were bird legs and talons. he looked strange, but he was still strikingly handsome in a way.

"your honor, the prosecution calls mr. Lykos Phoibos to the stand."

Xavier's eyes widened and the swallowed. Lykos...

"mr. Phoibos, what exactly were you doing on the day of the delivery to your home?"

Phoibos adjusted his glasses and dramatically inhaled.

"well... the cute, blonde angel over there handed me the package, and I know I was expecting a delivery from another..." for some reason, he was neglecting to mention that the "another" was the very Latissimus that was there too.

why isn't he saying that? thought Xavier.

Xavier peered up at Latissimus who stood quiet and still with a stern look on his face. his waist- long lavender hair was pinned back in a more professional manner than he normally had it. he returned the glance to Xavier with an icy cold stare. Xavier subsequently looked away.

Oriana fidgeted the whole time; it wasn't looking that great for Xavier, and she was hoping that she could reduce his sentence that was definitely going to come or she could careen it into community service instead. the latter was the more desirable of the plans.

Godbrand noticed the restlessness of his fiancée as she tightly clung to his arm. he leaned down to whisper in her ear.

"please relax, my love. your anxiety is beginning to rub off on me..."

"I'm sorry, Godbrand, I just don't know how I'm-" she looked into his eyes, " how we're gonna pull this off. there's so much wracked up testimony against him, and the jury looks like they're going to give a hard 'guilty' verdict..."

"oi, your honor, may I say somethin'??" a demon with a heavy cockney British drawl stood up in the jury box. "I just think it's funny how these angels are always counting our sins, condemnin' us for 'em... yet here they are, committin' them too!! a bunch o' hyp-o-crites, if ya ask me!"

many demons in the court audience muttered in agreement. before that trial, Xavier had never felt so embarrassed and tiny in his entire life. his manhood was shredded in one fell swoop. Latissimus didn't react, only giving the demon another one of those cold stares.

"that God if theirs just thinks his angels are so perfect, well what would he say now if he were here, eh?? I bet he'd try to make an excuse for 'em!! sayin' they-"

"pardon me, your honor." Oriana had stood up abruptly, cutting the demon in the jury box off. he wanted to say something rude, but he knew that Overlord Beelze would have his head if he talked crazy to his princess.

"I'd like to propose something... if you don't mind listening. everyone else in the courtroom as well."

"yes, Lady Oriana. I will allow it." Judge Brutus banged his gavel.

Oriana exhaled. "isn't it appropriate that this offending angel repay his debt to our deserving society...?"

the demons muttered once again among themselves, this time seeming unsure. Godbrand and Xavier were visibly confused by where Oriana was going with that especially since Godbrand had to understand her in order to help her out.

she continued... "Sir Godbrand and I discussed amongst ourselves, and, since the drugs were brought to his province, it is his duty to make sure the community will recover after such a disturbance."

Godbrand still didn't have a great grasp on what Oriana planned, but he affirmed her statement.

"yes, I believe I do know what is best for my province under my jurisdiction. it is my civic duty," he said. "community service shall... suffice. it gives him the opportunity to give back and... return my province back to its glory."

Godbrand stumbled a bit, but, even so, he seemed to have convinced the judge, jury, and the audience that community service was the way to go. even the prosecutor seemed to be satisfied with himself. everyone except the cockney Brit juror-

"just a slap on the wrist if you ask me, innit?" he whispered to a fellow juror.

"jury, I will give you time to deliberate your verdict. meet us back in the courtroom after you're finished."


a female demon stood up.

"your honor, we've reached a verdict... we find the defendant guilty of smuggling narcotics within the antonello province under Sir Godbrand's jurisdiction. however, instead of traditional prison time as these crimes typically call for, Lady Oriana Paulina and Sir Godbrand have decided that community service is warranted. as overworld law dictates, the appointed magistrates of the provinces that crimes take place in have the ultimate decision in what the sentences must be. he will be sentenced to at least 6 months of community service, and where it will be served will be determined by Sir Godbrand's and Lady Oriana themselves."

Judge Brutus nodded. "it's been decided then." he banged the gavel and finally, court was adjourned.

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