𝑰𝑰. ☁️

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Xavier knocked on Phoibos's door. a gentle voice called out to him from behind the door.

"uh, delivery! from.. the angel Latissimus."

"one second! hi! oh aren't you a cutie? come in."

"you're Lykos, right?"

"I am! what do you got for me?" interestingly, Lykos had two sets of horns, ones that curled upwards and the others down. as uncomfortable in this realm as he was, Xavier was fascinated by the unique looks of the demons that inhabited it.

"uh, this. I don't know what it is; Latissimus just told me to give it to you."

"you agreed to deliver a package, and you don't know what's inside...? cute, but not very bright."

Xavier narrowed his eyes at the comment, stopping himself from saying something in return.

"thanks anyway, sweetie." said Lykos.

Xavier left, getting ready to head back to the subway station. as soon as he got off, he was intercepted by law enforcement.

no... why? he thought. what did I do?? I just dropped something off, and i'm going home...! he inexplicably began to tremble and panic.

"the angel, Xavier? you're under arrest for drug trafficking in the underworld."


Xavier was dropped off in a holding cell. the guards poked at him with their sharp spears, causing him to jump.

"you'll stay in here until futher notice, angel. you'll get your phone call soon. don't cause trouble."

Xavier glared at the guards who simply turned around as they stood on the edges of the cell.

"I can't believe it. these angels are always so high and mighty, but here's one - being a drug mule. what the hell's goin' on up there...?"

Xavier had time to think about what was happening to him; the package he had... were drugs. Lykos was right about him. how could he be peddling drugs and not know?? he cursed himself for being an idiot.

"dammit... how could this happen...?"

then he thought about Latissimus. did Latissimus knowingly give him drugs...? he didn't want to believe it; maybe a demon somehow snuck their way up to heaven... and wanted to set him up...?

if Xavier was being honest, it just sounded like he was making excuses for Latissimus. why'd he do this to him? he still used his phone call to contact Latissimus... maybe he can clear everything up or at least get him a decent lawyer.

"Sir Godbrand ! may I ask what business you have here, if it's not too brazen?" one of the guards outside of Xavier's cell spoke.

a tall demon, Sir Godbrand, he was called, was most definitely a high-ranking official of some sort. his clothing proved it. Sir Godbrand was especially intimidating considering the fact that he had four eyes - two that were wide open like everyone else's and narrower ones situated right below the top pair. they stayed closed most of the time.

"I'm simply coming to gaze at our *heavenly offender,*" said Godbrand. he leaned down towards Xavier, who was sitting on the bed. the angel swallowed nervously - his mark of fear, Godbrand noted.

"it is fascinating that an angel of all beings would be the one to bring this contraband into our domain; so many demons' lives are ruined by the shit that you dared to bring here," Godbrand growled. it was at this moment that his second pair of eyes opened to reveal bright red irises.

Xavier wasn't sure how he should respond to such a forward accusation.

"I... didn't know what was in that package," he said, his voice trembling.

"... surely, you don't think I'm that stupid, angel. frankly, I'm offended."

Xavier's eyes shifted as a result of the uncomfortable eye contact.

"I swear I didn't know!!"

"Godbrand ...?" it was a feminine voice, soft and refreshing to hear to Xavier. she sounded friendly.

the guards were in shock to aee her-
"Princess Oriana! what are you doing here? these dirty cells are no place for a pretty, classy lady like yourself!"

"Oriana, my love. why have you come to see me...?"

「 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐎𝐟 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐬 」Where stories live. Discover now