Chapter 37

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The Battle continues

"Battle in Shirafurano"

"Ling continues to attack Pier"

Pier: (This demon has a demon ability...)

"Pier kept dodging all of the things that Ling was throwing at him"

Pier: (I need to attack!...)

Pier: Thunder energy, purify what's impure in the name of nature's law. Thunder Rage!!!

"Surroundings became filled with thunder"

Ling: (Ahh, this boy)

"Ling floats"

Pier: !!!

Ling: What an attack...

Pier: (I need to kill this demon no matter what!)

"Pier jumps"

"He swing his sword"

"Ling suddenly approached an attack to Pier"

Pier: (Something is coming behind my back!!!)

Amelia: Storm energy, purify what's impure in the name of nature's law. TRIPLE STORM!!!

"The thing that was approaching Pier moved into Ling's direction"

Ling: !!!

"Ling was hit"

"Pier falls to the ground dodging the attack"

Amelia: Are you alright?

Pier: Ye..yeah, I'm fine (That hurts)

Amelia: That demon, what kind of demon is it?

Pier: She is a preceptor of Azerel, she can shift the shape of anything...

Amelia: Okay..

"Amelia ready her sword"

Pier: (Looks like I need to attack more)

"Ling was standing up from falling earlier"

"Pier immediately attack her"

Pier: Thunder energy, purify what's impure in the name of nature's law. Thunder Spikes!

"Ling was hit"

Ling: AHH!!!

Pier: You need to die...

"Pier swing his sword"

"Ling suddenly hold onto Pier's arm"

Ling: You've been getting to my nerves, looks like I need to end this now. That will be enough of my playtime.

Pier: (Playtime?)

"Surroundings began to float and thing's began shifting its shape"

Amelia: Pier!!!

Pier: (What is happening?)

"All of the things approached Amelia"

"Pier starts to take his hands off Ling"

Pier: Get off me!!!

Ling: HAH, as you wish.

"The ground that Pier was standing shifted its shape holding him"

Pier: !!!

Ling: One move and you'll die...

"Pier can't move"

Pier: (I need to save Amelia)

"Things starts to approach Amelia"

Amelia: (I need to help Pier)

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