Chapter 17

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The Missions

Ryle: Water energy, Purify whats impure in the name of nature's law. Water splash!!!

"Kei looks back and saw it was Ryle"

"Water splashes on Ross hand"

Ross: Thank you, Ryle.

Ryle: Welcome, thank god I was passing by.

Ross: Master, I'm sorry!!!

Ryle: Oh, Master's here!?

Kei: Trying to imitate a technique when you can't even control fire energy yet, what are thinking!?

Ross: I know my mistake now, Master, I'm sorry!!!

Kei: Ryle, get him back to the temple to get a treatment.

Ryle: Yes, Master.

Kei: Wait.....

Kei: You can control water energy too?

Ryle: Uhm...actually, Master...Ice energy and Water is quite similar that's why I can do one water technique...

Kei: Oh... okay.

Ryle: We'll take our leave now, Master.

Kei: Becareful on your way.

Ryle: "Nods"

Kei: (What was I thinking? Maybe Master was right, I need to think some other things rather than Natsou. I need to be strong, stronger than she could be!!! So that someday, I'm m the one that will protect her, than her protecting me)

"After ten hours Kei went back to the training field"

Netheyam: They're all back, Kei.

Kei: Ross?

Ross: Yes, Master?

Kei: How's your hand?

Ross: The physician healed it, Master, it's fine now

Kei: Good, let's begin! I want you all to make a storm technique.

All of the trainees:Yes, Master!!!

Pier: Thunder energy, purify whats impure in the name of nature law. Thunderstorms!!!

Kei: Good. Next!

Theodore: Pheonix energy, purify whats impure in the name of nature law. Dancing phoenix storm!!!

"Silently laughing"

Abe: Pffft..


Theodore: What's so funny?

Abe: Is that a dancing birds? Pfffft haha.

Theodore: Shut up.

Kei: Impressive.

Ross: Fire energy, purify whats impure in the name of nature law. Fire storms!!!

Kei: Good.

Ryle: Ice energy, purify whats impure in the name of nature's law. Cold storm!!!

Kei: Excellent.

Achilles: Sand energy, purify whats impure in the name of nature law. Sandstorms!!!

Kei: Great. Next.

Amara: Cloud energy, purify whats impure in the name of nature law. Cloudstorms!!!

Kei: Good, Next.

Amelia: Storm energy, purify what's impure in the name of nature's law. Triple storms!!!

Kei: Exceptional!!!

Abe: Flower energy, purify whats impure in the name of nature law. Petal storms!!!

Kei: Great. Next.

Heather: Wind energy, purify what's impure in the name of nature law. Massive wind strom!!!

Kei: Excellent!!!

Nini: Plant energy, purify what's impure in the name of nature law. Acacias storms!!!

Kei: Impressive!!!

Kei: You all now passed controling energy, congratulations!

Kei: And now, I will give you all a mission, you will be grouped into three people.

Theodore: Three people, Master?

Kei: Yes.

Pier: Then there would be one left?

Kei: Ross and I will be a duo in this mission, Natheyam?

Netheyam: Yes, Theodore, Achilles, Abe.

Netheyam: Ryle, Amara, Amelia.

Netheyam: And Pier, Heather, and Nini.

Kei: This is will be your mission.

"Hands over a paper"

Netheyam: For Theodore, Achilles, and Abe, a town in North has been attack by some monster. Monsters appears there in unknown time, you need to exterminate the monsters there...

Netheyam: For Ryle, Amara, and Amelia,
Some people in a village in West has experiencing recent attacks by demons, you need to exterminate demons there...

Netheyam: And for Pier, Heather, and Nini, farmers in the a town in south isn't harvesting good and it's been said that a monster went there at night destroying their plants, you need to solved this mystery....

Kei: If all of you succeed in your assigned mission, you'll pass and will become an official cultivator.

All of the trainee's: Yes, Master!

Ross: Uhm..Master?

Kei: What is it?

Ross: What will be our Mission?

Kei: Yeah, there's a demon that has been attacking nearby town here, it is said that that demon has the ability to freeze humans before devouring it..

Kei: We need to investigate this at night, it is said that this demon only appears in a dark places.

Ross: Yes, Master.

"All of the trainees are now heading to their assigned mission"

Netheyam: Master Kei has prepared a sword for all of you, choose before you leave...

"All of the trainees has picked a sword"

Netheyam: You all can go now, I'll pray for your victory.

All of the trainee's: Thank you!!!

End of chapter 17

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