Chapter 11

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"Back story"

Henry: Mara, I need you to bear a child.

Mara: Excuse me, sire???

Henry: Sorry, you must have been shock. But I am a god.

Mara: Sire, are you okay? You're not sick right? Did you eat the fruits that I gave you?

Henry: I'm a god, that is true.

"Henry shows his true form, turning into a strong heavenly appearance"

"Mara just kneel without thinking"

Mara: You're a god, sire. "Bowed"

Henry: Stand up.

"Mara stand up"

Henry: I need you to bear a child.

Mara: But why, sire? And I've never been in any relationship...

Henry: You don't need one, I'm here. After all, the child that you will bear has my blood and will inherit a power from me.

Mara: But, sire. Why should I bear a god's child?

Henry: This world needs someone to save them, this world needs a hero. You'll bear a child and raise it as a fighter to kill demons. And when he gets old enough he needs a wife to bear his child. Generation to generation until demons are gone. With my blood, this child can absorb nature's energy and use it to fight demons.

Mara: Why me?

Henry: Because I trust you. I can't stay here longer to watch the child grow, I trust you raise my child into a strong man.

"Held Mara's hand"

Henry: I need you, Mara.

"Thinking deeply"

Mara: If it's the solution to stop all of the demons, then yes.

"Henry holds Mara's hand and they went to a cabin"

Mara: Uhmmm... if you wouldn't mind, may I ask what are we doing here?

Henry: We'll be sleeping here tonight.

Mara: But why?

Henry: It's comfortable here?


Henry: Let's head inside

Man: Welcome, sir and maam. How can I help you?

Henry: We need a room.

Man: "Looks closer" Alright, here is the key.

Henry: Thank you.

"Henry and Mara went to the room"

Mara: Uhm, sire...

Henry: Yes?

Mara: Are we going to do....

Henry: To do what?

Mara: The adult thing!?

Henry:, no, I just want you to sleep comfortable, looking at your house you must be uncomfortable.

Mara: Ahhh....thats it, yeah!, well I'm going to sleep then...

"Lays on bed"

"Henry stare at Mara feeling uncomfortable and went near her"

Henry: Are you fine here in bed?

Mara: Oh... yes, sire. It's just, it's too big for me...

Henry: Do you want to do it now?

"Lean's closer"

Mara: Uhm "Nods"


"Henry lean closer to Mara for a kiss"

Mara: Wait!!!

"Henry stops"

Henry: Something bothers you?

Mara: It's my first time and I'm nervous...

Henry: Just don't look at me.

Mara: I can't. You're gorgeous and has beautiful eyes, it makes me nervous.

"The Henry stand up and takes a cloth to cover Mara's eyes"

"Blindfolded Mara's eye's"

Henry: Better now?

Mara: Uhm, yes.

Henry: "Whispered to Mara" Remember, we're doing these to save the world.

Mara: Uhm...yes, sire.

End of chapter 11

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