❝ from my blood comes the
prince that was promised,
and his will be the song of
ice and fire. ❞
IN WHICH; a princess is to be
betrothed to her uncle to unite
the houses and keep the blood
as pure as possible.
house of th...
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chapter ten. two years later
"YOUR Lady mother shall be here."
"My Lady?" Alaessa rolled her in her bed, sitting up and rubbing her eyes, "Yes Lady Mary?"
"Your Lady mother is in Kings Landing."
Alaessa give her a look, "Why?"
Lady Mary didn't say a word and Alaessa pushed, "Lady Mary?"
"I do not wish to gossip," Alaessa got out of bed, "Do tell."
Alaessa got changed into a simple white gown, with flicks of gold.
"It is said that Prince Jacaerys' legitimacy to Driftmark is being questioned, and they shall have a court hearing."
Alaessa frowned, "A court hearing? Over a settled succession?"
Lady Mary did up her ties and shrugged, "I do not know, my Lady."
"All is well, Lady Mary. Thank you for barring this information."
Alaessa left her share chambers, Aemond had been training with Ser Criston, her dear husband had become quite good with the sword and his High Valyrian. The two loved riding together.
Alaessa walked the dark empty halls as she had wondered where her mother would be but a noise catch her attention, sword against sword made her roll her eyes playful and go to the balcony.
She watched her husband, train with Ser Criston. Her eyes wandered off to two chocolate brown hair boys, "Jace? Luke?"
Before she could leave the balcony, she met the eyes of her husband.
He smiled upon seeing her and she leaned forward into the balcony some more.
He broke eye contact when Ser Criston surprised attacked him, and Alaessa left the balcony and went to the training yard.
Where her eyes went to her brothers, grown man they were.
"Alaessa?" They questioned, as if they couldn't believe their eyes. In the yard of many they ran to their sister, it was no surprise that Rhaenya' child were close with each other.
"Oh boy!"
When they all pulled away, she messed with both of her brothers brown curls, "Man you are. Look at you."