𝙭𝙭𝙞. aemond

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chapter twenty one

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chapter twenty one. aemond

THEY set sail for Kings Landing. Rhaenyra was dressed as a nun, and Alaessa had put on some old rags that Rhaenyra had given her when they were in Dragonstone. She wore a hat that had her silver hair shoved in, Now they walked alongside eachother of the streets of kings landing.

Alaessa keep her head down, not wanting anyone to see her, she remembered that no one really knew what the Princess looked like.

Rhaenyra made sure her daughter was close at all times, as they got to the gates, alongside Rhaenyra was Ser Steffon. Once pass the gates they walked pass guards, men and women. Alaessa realized that the streets were dirty and smelted like shit.

The streets were crowded and Alaessa had to push herself though, But as Rhaenyra walked she held her dress up so it didn't get dirty. Just as they walked through people they went up some stairs, and once at the top of many stairs they could see the great sept.

There were more stairs and Rhaenyra saw Alicent, making her pick up her speed, leaving Alaessa with Ser Steffon, but at the top of the stairs Alaessa looked around to see her mother going up more stairs to the great sept and Alicent already in the great sept, Ser Steffon bowed his head softly without people noticing.

Ser Steffon took a seat on the stairs of the great sept, as Alaessa took a look around at her surroundings. She saw one familiar face, her lord husband Aemond Targaryen, staring directly at her from afar. She gasped, and looked away, hoping he didn't see her face. Alaessa, Rhaenyra and Ser Steffon all had knifes in their sleeves. And Alaessa gripped onto hers.

While Ser Steffon wasn't looking, he was staring at the great sept that had his queen in it, Alaessa felt a hand grab hers and pull her away. She went to scream but a hand went over her mouth. The men was dressed in a hood and she couldn't see his face, until he pulled his hood down, and Alaessa came face to face with her lord husband, Aemond.

"No," Alaessa whispered, she took in her surroundings, she was away from Ser Steffon, and he quickly realized that the Princess was gone.

"What are you doing here?" Aemond hissed, Alaessa fought his grip, "Get off me," Aemond looked around making sure no one was around,"You can not be here, you would be taken or slain, and this time I couldn't help you," Alaessa looked at the man she had to call husband, he was different, more dead inside, more sad looking.

"You killed Luke!" Alaessa whispered yelled, and Aemond looked away, "Your mother killed my nephew," Alaessa laughed, "Do you really believe everything your brother tells you?" Aemond gripped onto her harder, "My brother is the King and your bitch mother is a whore," If Alaessa's arms were free and weren't being held by Aemond she would have hit him.

Alaessa just spit in his face, "Watch it, while you speak of my mother. The queen," Aemond laughed, "You've changed, your more mean–" Alaessa cut him off, "You've changed, you've let yourself be manipulated into whatever the greens tell you to believe," Alaessa stared into his eyes, "You really think you're going to win this war?" Aemond asked, changing the subject, "I don't want war, Aemond. when I was made prisoner in my chambers, the night that the King died, your mother came to me–"

Alaessa continued to speak, "She had told me, 'I want you to be happy, with Aemond and with your unborn child, I want you to stay here and have many children,' I had wanted that, to bare your children, instead of losing them. I had wished that my mother and your mother were still friends as they were–" Alaessa stopped talking as she looked at Aemond who's eyes were widen, "Losing them?" Alaessa had realized her mistake, informing him of her losing her child the week her mother was gone looking for the remains of Luke.

"I–" Alaessa looked away unknowingly what to speak, "You were with child again?" Aemond asked and Alaessa rolled her eyes, "I lost my child at the stress of losing my brother," Aemond eyes widen even more, "Our child," He whispered and Alaessa shook her head, "No, Aemond my child, that child was mine, you didn't go through what I had to go though, you weren't there, you had killed my brother and left me to watch the remains of my brother in the sky."

At her words of saying that it was her child only made something in Aemond sadden, and yet Aemond kept his harden face, "I did what I had to, Alaessa," Aemond told her which made Alaessa give him a face, "You and your brother were trying to steal the throne," Aemond whispered, "It's my mothers birthright, it's mine," Alaessa whispered yelled, "That's not what Alicent informed many, she spoke that Viserys had changed his mind," Alaessa laughed at her so called husband, "For the times i've known my grandsire, he loved Rhaenyra, more then any of his–" She stopped looking at Aemond, "Well he didn't love her enough if he put my fool of a brother on the throne."

Alaessa shook her head, "It must have been an mistake, Alicent would do such a thing," Aemond sighed, "Alicent speaks with two tongues, and she blames me for starting this war, yet she's the one that made preparation's to put Aegon on the throne."

Alaessa rolled her eyes, "She's a fool to think that my mother would let it happen, with Viserys changing his mind at his last," She laughed making Aemond look at her, "But it's too late, Aegon is angry, he wants revenge," Alaessa nodded before feeling his hands slowly let his grip on her hands go. Alaessa looked around to see some men walking, paying no mind to Aemond and Alaessa.

Alaessa knew there was nothing to say anymore, she was lucky she didn't call a guard to come and kill her, "Goodbye Aemond," She whispered before slipping pass him, but then he grabbed her again, "Aemond, let go of me," Alaessa begged, "I can't let you leave me this time," Alaessa shook her head, "Aemond..." She whispered then pulled out her knife, "Let me go," Aemond laughed at her small knife, Aemond dropped her hand that he was holding, she pressed Aemond against the wall and put the knife to his throat, "You will let me go," She whispered and Aemond smirked, "Go ahead, slit my throat," Alaessa started breathing heavily.

She knew that Aemond was her weakness, she knew that she could never kill him.

Alaessa wasn't going to walk away with Aemond unharmed, she had to remember that he killed Luke, her brother.

"Ao issi cruel, Aemond," She whispered speaking in high valyrian, "Aren't ao se mēre holding nykeā egry naejot issa irosh, jorrāelagon?" He spoke back to her, Alaessa keep the knife hard to his throat, Alaessa bit her lip before cutting Aemond a little on his neck.
You are cruel Aemond.
Aren't you holding a knife to my throat, love?

Aemond hissed at the pain and placed a hand on his neck to check how much blood was coming from his neck. Alaessa shoved her knife back in her sleeve and walked off and back to where she saw Queen Rhaenyra and Ser Steffon. Rhaenyra looked worried as her head wiped around and Ser Steffon looked stressed as they looked around and Alaessa ran up to them, "We must leave," Alaessa spoke and Rhaenyra sighed in relief, "Where in the seven hells were you?" Rhaenyra spoke and Alaessa looked around making sure she didn't see Aemond.

"Mother, i'll explain everything on the boat, but we must leave now," Alaessa looked around and Ser Steffon nodded, "Your grace, the Princess is right, we shouldn't be here any longer."

Alaessa finally looked her mother in the eyes and saw that her eyes were red, she must have realized that the words between her and Alicent didn't go well.

author note: ahhhh she saw aemond!!! her babyyyyy

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author note: ahhhh she saw aemond!!! her babyyyyy

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