❝ from my blood comes the
prince that was promised,
and his will be the song of
ice and fire. ❞
IN WHICH; a princess is to be
betrothed to her uncle to unite
the houses and keep the blood
as pure as possible.
house of th...
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sixteen. storms end
ALAESSA stood with her brothers at the lit up table, she hadn't felt nauseous and she was grateful for it.
"The Lord of the Tides! Lord Corlys Velaryon... and his wife, the Princess Rhaenys Targaryen," Everyone was shocked to see that Lord Corlys was walking and looking better from his accident.
"My lords," Lord Corlys greeted, "Lord Corlys. It brings much relief to see you hale and healthy again," Rhaenyra grinned, "I'm very sorry about your father, Princess. He was a good man," Rhaenyra nodded, Baela and Rhaena both joined Jacaerys and Lucerys's side, with Alaessa.
"Where is Daemon?" Lord Corlys asks seeing that Prince Daemon wasn't in the room, "There were other concerns which demanded the Prince's attention," Lord Corlys nodded and walked closer to the painted table, "Your declared allies?" He asks the queen, "Yes," Rhaenyra walks over to him, "Too few to win a war for the throne," He states and Rhaenyra speaks up, "Well, we would also hope to have the support; of Houses Arryn, Baratheon, and Stark."
"Hope is the fool's ally," Lord Corlys turned to Queen Rhaenyra, "Both Arryn and Baratheon share blood with my house. But all of them swore oaths to me," Alaessa smirked and noddd, "As did House Hightower... if I remember," Lord Corlys mentioned and that made Alaessa think of Aemond.
"As did you, Lord Corlys," Rhaenyra mentioned, "Your father's realm... was one of justice and honor. Our houses are bound by common blood and common cause. This Hightower treason cannot stand. You have the full support of our fleet and house. Your Grace," Alaessa smirked, and Rhaenyra smiled at Lord Corlys, "You honor me, Lord Corlys. Princess Rhaenys. But, as I said to my bannermen, I made a promise to my father to hold the realm strong and united. If war's first stroke is to fall, it will not be by my hand," Rhaenyra tells Lord Corlys.
"You do not mean to act?" Lord Corlys asks, "Taking caution does not mean standing fast. I wish to know who my allies are before I send them to war," Rhaenyra speaks and Alaessa is proud that her mother has the right mindset.
"The consequence of my... near-demise in the Stepstones... is that we now control them. I took care to fully garrison the territory this time. A total blockade of the shipping lanes will be in place in days, if not already. The Triarchy have been routed. The Narrow Sea is ours. If we... further seal the Gullet, we can cut off all seaborne travel and trade to King's Landing."
They already had a plan, Alaessa shared looks with Jacaerys and Lucerys. "I shall take Meleys and patrol the Gullet myself," Rhaenys spoke and Rhaenyra smiled and nodded, "When we drain the Narrow Sea, we can surround King's Landing, lay siege to the Red Keep, and force the Greens' surrender," Bartimos informed the Queen, "If we are to have enough swords to surround King's Landing, we must first secure the support of Winterfell, the Eyrie, and Storm's End," Rhaenyra told her small council.
"I'll prepare the ravens, Your Grace," The Maesters spoke, "We should bear those messages. Dragons can fly faster than ravens and they're more convincing. Send us," Jacaerys stated which made Alaessa smile at her brother.