Preview - Chapter 0

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Author's note:

Here are some previews of the story, I may update from time to time when I approach with the story. Anyways, enjoy!



Preview 1:


I quickly got into the live of a disassembly drone. I was more active at night anyways so this wasn't a big change. I sometimes even go out hunting with them, even if I am not as fast as them. Me training them didn't mean I couln't learn something from them. They developed their own strategies which sometimes were even better than the strategies I learned from JCJenson. Sometimes the practice is the best theory. With these new findings I could improve my suit even more, especially to make it more durable so J couldn't destroy it that easily. But even if I became more and more a human disassembly 'drone', I still had my concerns about this. Sure, most of the time money wins but I still had a queasy feeling about killing drones.

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