Arrival - Chapter 1

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I watched out the window of my landing pod. As far as I could see, the whole surface of the planet was covered in snow. The same planet was once a home for employees of JCJenson and their families. Now the frozen skeletons where the only indicatives that there was human life on Copper-9 before the tragedy of the planet core. The tragedy, that took the lives of millions of human workers and their families. According to JCJenson, the worker drones were intentionally responsible for the core collapse. I was always a little sceptic about this. Why would a company build drones to serve humans, that are able to hurt or even kill humans? The mother of a friend of mine told me that some drones were always a little strange when surrounded by humans. Her husband died at the core collapse, so why should she spread any fake news? Anyways, the company has sent new drones to destroy all remaining worker drones on Copper-9 as a compensation. But these so called 'murder drones' would be too slow with killing, so I was hired to improve their efficiency. I don't exactly know how I should feel about this. I'm not good in fighting, nor do I agree with some ethical values of the company. But still they offered me a huge amount of cash. Okay, I could imagine better places to work, but it's still hella cash. Just work as intended and don't question anything, huh? But now I should better concentrate on my landing on Copper-9.

Like I knew it, an alarm took me back into reality, signalizing the upcoming landing.

I sent a message to JCJenson to give an update about my current position. Still no answers. Maybe the employee instructed with my operation got stuck on toilet. Since my start from earth. But that's not my business since I already got my instructions.

Computer: "Two kilometers to the surface. Starting buffer engines..."

The landing pod began to shake as the engines started to bring the pod in the correct position. Well, at least does the computer most of the work to bring me to Copper-9. Time to prepare for the landing. Since this was my first expedition to another planet, I had no idea how big the impact would be.

Computer: "Extending supports. Prepare for impact..."

I looked out for a surface with grip, but it was already too late. The impact almost kicked me off my seat as the supports impaled the surface of the planet. Whoever designed the landing pod, has certainly never used one himself.



Another night, another hunt. This never gets boring, it's always funny to play with my victims. Even if it's better to hunt with other drones like V, I still prefer hunting alone. It's not as effective, but I can have more worker drones for myself instead of sharing them with others. I also have the highest kill count most of the time and I like that. N on the other side is always very boring. He is no real competitor for me but he slows down our whole team. I still wonder how he manages to catch enough workers to survive. He would be my first victim, if I would ever be near to overheat and there are no worker drones arround. To his luck, this never happened so far. He's such a...

My thoughts were interrupted by the impact of something near our base, followed by small explosion.

V: "What was that?"

N: "Are we under attack by some worker drones?! Noooo, I am too young to die!"

J: "Shut up, idiot! Even if I'd like to see you dead."

I slapped him. Sometimes he acts like a baby. Thankfully he doesn't start crying. This would finally be enough...

J (to V): "Let's see, if these are workers, we can have some free oil."

V: "Sure, they aren't even that far away."

N: "Can't we wait? Maybe they are..."

J & V: "SHUT UP!"

J: "Now let's go."

N: "Okay, okay..."

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