Nightmares - Chapter 8

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Next evening


I flew through the remains of the skyline, one of the last indicators of this abandoned city. The sun had already set a while ago, so it was safe for me to be outside. Usually I went outside together with J, but that has been the past. Now I had no one left who really understood me. N was N, I'd rather want be alone than only with him. Also there is this new worker drone. Since she was a worker drone, our relation couldn't be more difficulty. Last there was Y/N. He was nice, but I don't know. It's been always a bit weird in his presence. Maybe it's because I tried to kill him when we first met. Maybe I was programmed to not hurt humans and now it forced me to feel bad about this. I had no idea, but this was my only hint.

I was torn from my thoughts as I heard a familiar voice behind me. But when I turned, nobody was there. Probably my audio was damaged during the fight the previous day.

[Recalibrating Auditory Systems [0/176]]

[process finished with [0] error(s) found]


I shook my head. In case of a previous error it normally wouldn't finish with the value 0. Maybe this was an old recording loaded from my cache, a quick reboot should fix this.


[terminating running processes]


[process finished with [0] error(s) found]


Now everything should be fine. So I continued flying. As longer as I flew, the less buildings were under me. Instead a few trees appeared, growing to a forest. Even if I was on this planet for a long time now, I actually never had been here. Finally the forest covered the entire ground, except for one lonely road with a few broken lanterns. I couldn't really see it, but I thought I have seen a worker sitting on a lantern, so I reduced my height and landed near the lantern. Like before, nothing was there. Was something wrong with my programming? I wasn't sure if I should tell Y/N, but it wasn't urgent. Anyways, the road ended in a few hundred meters, on it's end was an abandoned mansion. It remembered me of an earlier time, when I was enslaved by the Elliots. The building wasn't this big, but it was bigger than an average house. It only had two floors and all windows were barricaded, but I saw a faint light though the gaps in the door. I didn't noticed the footprints on the street earlier, but they led to the door and didn't seem to be too old. Like someone was or has been there recently.
Due to the fact that the door was old, it wasn't easy to open it without ripping it apart, but I somehow managed. Only a few candles lit up the room. Left from the entry was a wardrobe with a coat that I've seen on Y/N some time ago. What was he doing here? There wasn't much, only a table with two chairs and an armchair in front of an old tv. To my surprise it was turned on, showing the letters 'UP'.

V: "Y/N? Are you here?"

No answer, but I didn't expect an answer to be honest.

V: "Look, it may be funny, but I'm not in a mood to play hide and seek..."

Still no answer. I started to get nervous. What was this place and why has Y/N been here? The tv didn't gave an answer to this, but it urged me to go upstairs. I grabbed a flashlight from the table, how gentle from Y/N to at least provide tools for a scavenger hunt. The only way up was an old ladder with a few rungs already broken out. Flying the way up was out of question since the opening was too tight to fit through with my wings. The rungs groaned as I put my feet on them, but that should be alright as long as they don't break.
There were boxes all over the attic, covered by dust and webs. The roof had no windows, so a slight haze was in the air.

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