Straighten Things - Chapter 3

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A few hours had passed since I met my new team. Except for N, my arrival had not necessarily triggered joy. Especially V seemed not to be that pleased. Maybe she thinks the company has sent me to replace her. She definitely had the biggest ego of the whole squad, even if that isn't bad for a murder drone. But I didn't want to risk the harmony in the team yet, so I decided to collect some oil. Even if I don't really need oil for myself, it's all the more important for murder drones to keep their temperature low. I still don't understand why they needed oil for that if there are a bunch of more efficient ways to do that. But the engineers may had their reasons to do so. One reason could be to force them to kill more drones, even if they don't want that.


I followed V as she had quit the scene. Sometimes I can't understand why she makes everything more complicated than it should be. She should have killed this human directly. Instead she now had more problems.

V flew up to a skyscraper near our base. Then she set down on an antenna on top of it, so I landed a few meters away from her.

J: "You are overcomplicating things. There where many reasons why you could have killed him. I would not have hesitated to do so."

V: "I know that would have been the easiest way. But I still don't know what I should think about it. Maybe he will be useful for us in the future."

J: "How should a human help us? We were sent on this planet to kill a few drones, not to become friends with humans."

V: "Imagine you were sent to a planet far away from any other of your kind. You had nobody there. I would be happy to have at least somebody..."

J: "V, we are disassembly drones, no humans. We are faster and stronger than humans. This also applies for N. No human could replace us. And also, normally you have the fewest concerns about killing anyone or anything."

V: "Maybe you're right. But at least I'd like to see how he wants to help us."

J: "He can use N as a sample. Even if something goes wrong, it's no big loss. I'm gonna leave the decision to you. But now you know what I think about it."

V: "Sure. Let me think of it..."


I don't know how to classify this situation. On the one hand, J is my friend for years now. Yes, she is bossy most of the time. But she can also be sensitive. On the other hand I do have my concerns. The company must had reasons to send a human out here. Who would be this crazy to do this on their own? You would have to have very good reasons for this.

There also was something I couldn't really tell what it was. As I stood there, my rifle at the ready. Pulling the trigger always was easy for me, but this time it wasn't. It was as if something had prevented me from doing so. Shooting a worker drone would be no problem, but a human?


I stood there, in the middle of a ballroom. I wore a maid dress, like any other drone in this mansion, even if I didn't like it. I had a tray in my right hand with glasses of champagne on it. Over my left arm hung a white towel. There were rich, well dressed people everywhere. They could pick up a glass if they came by. This party was hosted by the 'Elliots', a rich family who owned this mansion. Suddenly, a girl appeared. She had a short dress and shoulder long tangled hair with a loop in it. This was Tessa, the daughter of James and Luisa Elliot, our owners. Normally we were exclusively responsible for Tessa, but that did not apply to these parties. Tessa used to play with us so she gave us hair, which her parents didn't like.

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