Wrong impressions - Chapter 10

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Narrator POV

Y/N: "You can't be serious. That makes no sense!"

Uzi: "Yeah, it doesn't makes sense that YOU are here. Your job is obsolete af."

Y/N tried to speak out, but he had to search for words. Just as he was about to say something, V interrupted him.

V: "I'm sorry, but that point goes to Uzi. Even if I wish you were right."

Y/N: "Not you too! And even if you are right, why didn't anyone tell me?"

V: "You never asked."

Y/N was completely confused. There was no way that this was true. It COULD not be true.

Y/N: "But the company...why-"

Uzi: "Then you lied about the company. I have always doubted your alibi."

Now Y/N was speachless. He only was able to shook his head. There were thousands of thoughts rushing through his head, so many thoughts that he became pale in the face. Now even V got skeptical and turned to him.

V: "Y/N, who are you?"

Y/N: "I-I...I'm telling the truth! As if there is a conspiracy going on somewhere. C'mon, that's ridiculous!"

V: "Remember the first time we met, right after your landing? We were skeptical about your appearance. The only 'proofs' you brought up were some magazines and a branded pen."

Y/N blushed heavily, his face looked like a tomato. He has been in similar situations often enough...


Y/N recently entered the fifth grade and had no real friends. He has always been an outsider, some psychiatrists diagnosed traits of autism in him. The fact that he's been in foster families since his early childhood always was a problem when connecting to other kids. Another problem was that most of the foster parents didn't really care about him. The most families he has been in were wealthy and only did the fostering for the social reputation. They only put him in a private school that they didn't have to cook and supervise his homework. This school had a great reputation and was known to be visited by the rich kids in the region.

He ran down a hallway in school, past a row of lockers and some students. Three students from the eighth grade were close behind him, approaching fast. They were yelling some things Y/N couldn't understand, probably some insults. He also didn't know why they kept targetting him since the beginning of the school year. First, they only bullied him with verbal attacks. Then they hid and waited to scare him. But they never chased him, until today. Y/N turned in a hallway he never has been in before, only to notice that it was a dead end. He wanted to turn and ran back, but it was already too late. So he continued running down the hallway to the last classroom. Usually the classrooms were locked during the breaks but luckily this one opened. He rushed in and slammed the door shut behind him. Unfortunately his bullies were stronger than him, so they were able to open the blocked door with ease.

Bully 1: "Look who tried to hide in an open room. Did you really thought you are safe in here?"

The other two only laughed about this.

Bully 1: "Let us see what mummy packed you for lunch!"

One of the others teared Y/N's school bag away from his back. Then he opened the bag and turned it upside down. There was not much in it except for some books, a college block and some pencils.

Bully 2: "No food? No wonder that you are so thin!"

Bully 3: "Do you feed on your excrements? You're such a looser!"

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