Dark Angles - Chapter 7

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Well, they were faster than I thought they would be. Even if was close to their bunker, they weren't there, the doors were open. So I guessed they went deeper inside and I had to find them.

Y/N: "Hello? Is there anyone?"

But nobody responded. As I came closer, I saw a few mangled bodies of workers, probably the defense of the colony.

Y/N: "Well, here goes nothing..."

So I went deeper into the building.

Narrator POV

Thad got thrown back a few meters, he spit up oil. Doll and Lizzy came to help him up. J stood in the hallway and blocked the way for the workers to escape.

Khan: "So... They found our evacuation spot. But, if we build a quick door..."

He wanted to bring a joke but it didn't come across right. Thad got up in the meantime, wondering where everyone was.

Thad: "Are you kidding me?! You're the WDF, right? Defend!"

But the so called 'Worker Defense Force' didn't actually wanted to defend them, instead they backed off.

Thad: "For real?!"

Then he heared a manically laugher as he was impaled and thrown away by V. She then caught him up with her claw, ready to rip him apart...

Uzi: "Hey! Put that conventionally attractive male down!"

V was now really distracted by Uzi, N waved to her but Uzi nudged him in the chest.

N: "Oh! Uh...J, you're sometimes kind of mean to me, and I wish you weren't. Just some constructive criticism."

Uzi: "Nice!"

They bumped their fists. The two other disassembly drones were not amused by this.

J: "Noted, traitor. We'll circle back after I right-size your existence!"

Uzi: "Okay, which one do you want?"

N: "J, please."

Uzi: "Too bad...Good luck."

Without any further words, Uzi threw a pen at J, who didn't really reacted to this so the pen got stuck in one of her vision sensors. N still was a little curious about a fight between him and V. She changed her hands to large blades and launched herself towards N. In the meantime Uzi tried to use her railgun, J fired a few shots at her but didn't land a shot since her vision system was still corruped by the pen.

J: "Damn the well-made quality assured durability of JCJensen's products! Huh?"

She was too focussed on the pen that she didn't noticed Uzi jumping at her and ramming the pen deep into J's screen. The response was a poorly aimed laser beam through the hall which was still enough to distract Uzi. N tried to shoot at V but pink hearts were the only things shooting out.

N: "Ah! My mind's in a weird place! Don't read into this!"

V was too deep in a tunnel and shot a rocket a N who was not amused about this. Uzi wanted to shoot her railgun at J but was knocked out by her using an EMP.

Deep in the hallways of the bunker, Y/N still tried to figure out where the others have gone, as the sensors of his phone caught up a week impulse. He wasn't sure if this was a track but it was the only sign.

The fight between N and V continued with a sword fight in the air. They had their blades against the others, as N noticed that Uzi was helpless against J.

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