Deviating paths - Chapter 11

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Earth, JCJenson HQ

192 POV


192: "I'm sorry, I don't understand..."

Dr. Browning: "That is no problem, this is no matter of five minutes. I recommend coming back tomorrow. Then everything will be prepared. Now go to your accommodation, I will ensure that you get the rest of the day off. And remember, it is really important you don't talk with anyone about this."

End flashback

I was on my way to the department of planning, like the day before. I still wasn't sure about all this. The phrase 'a total wipeout of the planet', mentioned by Mr. Jenson, echoed in my head. No matter what I was thinking of, this one phrase always came back. I didn't know why, but it was like I was obsessed with it.

My thoughts got interrupted by my arrival at the department of planning. At it's entrance the both guards of the day before stood still. As I stood in front of them and was about to ask for my permission to enter the department, the guards took a step aside and opened the door. Still both of them avoided to make eye contact with me, it seemed that they were afraid of consequences by Dr. Browning. I made my way to the big red door at the end of the hallway, the door that lead to the room which was used by the department to discuss critical things. I still had no clue what they could need from me other than information. What made me wonder was that I already told them everything Mr. Jenson assigned me with.

As I got closer to the red metal door, I noticed the office of Dr. Browning. The door wasn't fully shut and I could hear a rough voice from behind it. It was a voice of a man, but it wasn't a voice I could assoziate with somebody I knew.

???: "Yes, this might work. But I still have the whole consortium of our sponsors sitting in my neck. I still don't exactly know how to justify this...Yes, I know the consequences...No of course not."

I was standing in front of the door for half a minute, listening to the unknown man. Then I decided not to waste more time, so knocked on the door. I didn't want to appear rude for the first impression. Since it might not be Dr. Browning in his office, I was unsure about it. But there was no way back now...

??? (brisk): "Listen, I am on it. I just need a little more time to- Yes? Come on in."

The man seemed pretty surprised by the knocking on the door. Perhaps he didn't expect any visitors in a foreign office. So I entered the room, curious who was the man behind that voice. First I couldn't notice any person in the room, until the door was almost fully open. The stranger stood leaning against a wall. He had a black suit, a white shirt and a red tie. His short, brown hair was slicked back, on top sat a little black trilby. His left hand helt a mobile phone at his ear, while a big cigar was in his right. All in all would he fit in a very old crime novel.

???: "I assume you are here for Dr. Browning, right?"

I only nodded. I still wasn't sure what I should say to him in reply.

???: "Well, unfortunately, he is currently...prevented."

As I stand there in the middle of the door, I suddenly noticed a more familiar voice behind me.

Dr. Browning: "If the toilet counts as 'prevented', this might be true. Ah, 192, welcome back. May I introduce you to Mr. Spencer? He is the current legal representative and speaker of the company. He was heavily involved in the events of the past, we used to work together a lot back in those days."

Spencer: "Very pleasant, I am delighted to work with you."

He offered me his hand. I didn't exactly know how to handle this situation, I didn't even knew Dr. Browning for longer than a single day.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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