Training - Chapter 4

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Next evening


I had no idea how long I slept when I woke up, but the sun was almost at the height of the horizon. How long have I slept? Clearly too long. Then I'd better focus on my tasks.
Now, that my relationship to the team seemed to be better than before, there were two things up to do: Planning the training and fixing my so called base or the remains of it. As long as I can sleep in the pod, the work for JC has priority. I already knew something about my team which is nice because I could individualize training better. The rest will come with time.
The biggest challenge for me would be N who appeared to be somewhat awkward. While the others were more skilled in a competition, he had to start more or less at the beginning. For the first lesson V could fight against J, then I had some time to check out the skills of N. This doesn't mean the girls had no tasks to do, they still could learn something. But a few tricks would be enough to keep them busy. On the other side I had to check the skills of them all. Anyways, I should leave soon, otherwise they would be mad at me. V told me specifically not to be late. A quick look at the weather instruments told me that the atmosphere was clear and no toxic storm or whatever would come that quickly. I was gonna wear my suit anyways cause I wouldn't stand a chance against a robot without it, especially not if I was fighting against a disassembly drone. But the good weather allowed me to open my helmet which would be great since the air quality was better without it and the wind could cool me down.


Y/N: "Hey guys, I'm back. Anyone here?"

I stuck my head into the door of the landing pod of the disassembly drones.

N (sleppy): "W-What? Can I sleep for 5 mins longer?"

V: "Shut up and come, moron!"

Well, this day could get really interesting. I definitely should add a point to my plan: Preventing V from killing N. But even if V would treat N a little respectful, I'd call that a success.

Y/N: "V, come down. Not one minute into the night and you already insulted N. If you would put that much effort in other things..."

V: "It's not my fault that our team is not efficient enough. I'm even exceeding my requirements many times over."

Y/N: "A team works just as well as the weakest part. That's why I'm here. Even you can learn a lot, tolerance for example. Any maybe you even exceed you current performance."

V: "If you think so..."

Y/N: "Anyways, let's start with today's training. First, I have to see the state of affairs. For that one of you will fight against me, the others can watch or fight each other. As long as you're doing something productive for this lesson, I actually don't care."

J: "What's the point of fighting you? You are significantly weaker than us, you'll not have any chance and it won't be that funny."

Y/N: "The training is not for killing anyone. It's purpose is to improve your skills. But you don't have to participate in it. In case you are not comfortable with the idea I'll fly back to earth and declare my job as done. The company wouldn't like it and maybe they'll kill you. Your decision. But I have some surprises for your training, so consider wisely."

I had to smile as I said this. I still hoped the rewards wouldn't be necessary every time we train.

J: "If you tell us what these surprises are, I'll think about it."

Y/N: "J, did you get the meaning of a surprise right? It won't be a surprise if I tell you now..."

She looked not satisfied with my answer but I didn't care that much that moment.

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