Progress - Chapter 5

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Some time has passed since I met my team for the first time. Even if our relations weren't that good at the beginning, they now grown closer to me. N really liked me, I'd probably act the same if I wasn't integrated that much in a team I have to stick with for the next few years. J didn't really care if was in the team or not. Anyways, V sometimes acted kinda strange towards me but even if she was really... special...I had no problem with her. My suit was broken during the fight with J, I couldn't train that much with them physically. Anyways, I did my best to improve their relations since J and V would listen to me more than to N. J has improved a bit but V sometimes still treated him like air.

I quickly got into the live of a disassembly drone. I was more active at night anyways so this wasn't a big change. I sometimes even go out hunting with them, even if I am not as fast as them. Me training them didn't mean I couln't learn something from them. They developed their own strategies which sometimes were even better than the strategies I learned from JCJenson. Sometimes the practice is the best theory. With these new findings I could improve my suit even more, especially to make it more durable so J couldn't destroy it that easily. But even if I became more and more a human disassembly 'drone', I still had my concerns about this. Sure, most of the time money wins but I still had a queasy feeling about killing drones.

Since my landing pod almost got destroyed during the landing, I had to build a new base. I wanted to do this anyways but these circumstances gave me a real reason to do this. The new base was located near the landing pod of the others, they were still my team after all.

It was getting hot inside my new base, I still didn't build a ventilation system, mostly because of the toxic storms from time to time. So I decided to get outside. If I was already out in the snow, I could take a walk through the remains of the city.


I sat in the shadow of the spire on an old trash can. I couldn't do really much because the sun was still over the horizon, but I had to get out of the pod. My thoughts were with Y/N, I still had to think of the first time we met. Why wasn't I able to do anything like normal? I was focussed but still I felt locked in place. Speak of the devil, I just saw him out of the corner of your eye walking towards our base so I jumped up. Apparently he didn't see me so I took a step forward, as long as I was still in the shadow.

V: "Hey Y/N!"

Y/N: "Oh, hey V! Any reason why you're out this early?"

V: "I got to sleep earlier than usual so I couldn't sleep any longer."

Y/N: "Same goes for me, and the heat is killing me inside. So, what's up?"

V: "Not that much. I just thought about robo-god and the world. And you?"

Y/N: "Nothing special. But I've been thinking. About us. You know, I'm a part of this team for a while now and I started to realize, that we may not be that different. And maybe there is more than just a friendship."

I expected a lot of things, but not that. Did I get it right, did he really said 'more than just a friendship'? Maybe this was what the reason for my behavior. Could this This made me really nervous.

V: "So...what do you see in me?"

Y/N: "We aren't just friends. I start to think of us as a family. You know, we live together, we go hunting together, the conversations...thats not what robots would do normally. You are living creatures, not just any machines."

V: "And the others?"

Y/N: "Of course this also includes them. We are one family."

Somehow this was not what I wanted to hear. Have I just misunderstood him? Was I nothing special for him? Now I was both, confused and upset.


Y/N: "Everything ok? You look like you're not doing very well."

V: "Sure I'm doing well!"

Y/N: "Uhm...sorry...did I say something wrong? I didn't want to..."

V: "Just give me some space!"

Then she disappeared between the spires of corpses around their pod. Actually, I thought this conversation wouldn't end like this. I didn't know if it was just V but I'd better let this topic rest for a while.
The small confrontation seemed to get the others have woken up. I saw J climbing out of the pod.

J (sleepy): "Hey, what is going on here? Y/N?"

Y/N: "Nevermind. Tell N the training is cancelled for today."

J just gave me an confused but also sad look. I only shrugged my shoulders. I've never been good with girls, let alone understanding them. Guess that will take it's time...


??? POV

So far most things went according to plan. If we'd continue like this, the planet would be freed from worker drones. They've been a plague for too long.
Suddenly a drone came into the room. I turned in my armchair to see what new information it got for me. It got a badge with a photo of it, followed by the number 192 and a barcode on it.

???: "Never heard of knocking before entering a room?"

192: "I apologize, Sir. But we have some important information about some suspicious activity on the planet. It seems like some worker drones are up to something or planning something against the disassembly team. Also this human worker is still alive."

???: "Interesting. Any further information about this?"

192: "No, Sir. But we think this could be our chance to infiltrate their base and destroy them. Maybe we could also use this against the human."

???: "Good. Head to the department of planning and instruct them to develop some plans about the inner destruction of the colony. I want to see this colony burn. Kill two birds with one stone."

192: "But Sir, I don't have the permission to..."

Jenson: "It's fine. Tell them that you were sent by Mr. Jenson and they should call me if they have any further questions."

192: "Thank you, Mr. Jenson. Consider it done."

Then, the drone left the office. Finally, I had a plan to whipe another colony from the planet and was one step closer to my final goal. And I could get rid of that human.

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