Behind closed doors - Chapter 9

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One day before
Earth, JCJenson HQ

192 POV

I rushed towards the department of planning, instructed by Mr. Jenson to plan some actions against the workers and the human. I knew that I had to be successful. Last time, I only narrowly escaped a disassembly, when I couldn't reach my destination due to insufficient permissions. Even if we worker drones were employeed by the company, we were treated more like slaves. I worked hard to get a higher rank, higher ranks had more priviledges and weren't treated that bad. This was an even greater incentive for me to succeed.
I finally reached the department, a little out of breath. Two entry guards blocked my way.

Guardian 1: "Stop! Where are you going?"

192: "I was sent by Mr. Jenson himself with some plans about Copper-9."

Guardian 2: "Mr. Jenson sent you? Oh, then come in."

He opened the door, I thanked him. Actually I thought this would require more than only a few words. I almost was at the door, as the guardian slammed to door shut right in front of me.

Guardian 2 (laughing): "Hahaha! You really thought we will let you in?"

Guardian 1 (also laughing): "Mr. Jenson! Did you hear that? Next time he sends a fax, hahaha!"

192 (mumbling): "You'll soon be laughing out of the other side of your face..."

They still were laughing about me, I have already turned and was thinking what to do now. I didn't want to end as a part dispenser... Suddenly the door behind me swung open and a person who could have come straight from an retirement home came out. He had a grey suit, short grey hair and big horn-rimmed glasses.

?: "What is the noise here? I try to concentrate!"

Guardian 2: "No offense, sir. But this lady asserted to be sent by Mr. Jenson."

?: "And have you checked that?"

Guardian 1: "Not really, but-"

?: "What did they hire you for anyway?! Do I have to do everything myself here..."

He tapped a few times on his mobile phone, then he looked back to the first guardian.

?: "She is telling the truth! Am I surrounded by idiots?!"

Then he turned to me.

Dr. Browning: "Anyways, come in. I may introduce myself, I am Dr. Browning, game theory specialist in here."

Both guardians looked like the sky came down on them. I strutted through the door past them with a mischievous face.

Dr. Browning: "However, what is so important that Mr. Jenson sent you?"

192: "Sir, it's about Copper-9 and the remaining colonies."

Dr. Browning: "Interesting. And he sent you directly from his office?"

192: "Correct."

Dr. Browning: "Okay, then we should go into my office. This way."

He pointed down a hallway to a big red metal door. This kind of door wasn't usual in the company, I had only seen this at the CEO's office yet. As we walked down the hallway I noticed another regular door with his initialia. I was about to say something, but the doctor raised a finger, instructing me to remain silent. He went to a keypad and pressed some buttons, then the door opened with a soft hiss. Behind the door was a big laboratory with two human scientists drawing something on some kind of cartboard.

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