New friends - Chapter 2

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The impact was harder as I thought it would be. It seems like the engines of the landing pod didn't have enough thrust to counter the gravity of the planet. The whole pod was more like a design flaw than a space vehicle.

Suddenly the pod began tilting a few degrees. That could not be that good. Now I had to be really careful not to flip the whole pod over.

But it was already to late. I noticed the sound of metal bending and breaking. The impact had damaged the supports and they couldn't resist the weight of the capsule anymore. The capsule kept tilting with a loud moan as one of the supports was ripped apart. Luckly, the remaining supports impaled the ground enough, to lower the capsule instead of falling onto the ground.

Y/N: "Why can't they reduce my salery a bit to build landing pods that not gonna fail by the slightest gust of wind? That would save me time and energy. How am I supposed to get back to earth in this tin can?"

But first it was time to get out of this ruin of a landing pod. I tried to get to my space suit, which ironically was on the new top of the capsule. This day could get only better now. It was a struggle to shimmy through the pod as it wasn't intended to be in such a position, but I could manage it somehow. After putting my suit on, I climbed to the exit. Since the suit designed to be robust instead of agile, it was quite difficulty. I should get the landing pod in a proper position in order to have a working base, but exploring my surroundings has a higher priority for now.

As expected, things must go wrong. The impact on the ground was still enough to bend the whole capsule so the door got stuck. Fortunately, I modified my space suit with an exoskeleton, so I could get the door open with not that much effort.

Y/N: "Computer, lock the door while I'm..."

I did not get any further as I looked into the muzzle of a rifle. This mission couldn't start any better...

?: "Look what we have here. Any last words to say?"

In front of me stood a disassembly drone. It looked like she was enjoying this way too much. Instead of eyes she had a big 'X' on her face. Judging by the voice, hair and clothes it was a female drone. She had shoulder-length hair and a black jacket. Instead of feet, the ends of her legs were shaped into inverted cones.

Y/N: "Uhm...that's not a polite way to say 'Hi' to somebody..."

?: "Shut it! Say goodbye worker drone."

Y/N: "Worker drone? Is that what I look like? I'm neither a worker drone nor a drone at all. I'm a human and I was sent by JCJenson to do some...maintenance work."

?: "Since when sends JCJenson humans to disassemble drones? We are much more effective than humans."

Y/N: "It seems like you are still too slow for JCJenson. Anyways, I'm not here to disassemble anything, I'm here to improve your efficiency. So you can think of me as a collaborator. By the way, I'm Y/N. Y/N L/N"

I couldn't interpret her facial expression correctly, but she did not seem to be enthusiastic about my answer. But at least, the 'X' on her face turned into eyes.

V: "I'm V."

?: "The sociopath in our group. But very efficient."

That voice belong to another, presumably female, disassembly drone. This specimen had two ponytails on the sides of her head and a black coat.

V: "This is J, she is the of our squad."

Suddenly, another disassebly drone came flying towards us.

?: "Sorry for being late... Did you at least leave something for me?"

J: "And this is N, our moron bot. He is very good in... doing nothing or being late."

N: "What? Did I miss something?"

'N' had short tangled hair, a pilot cap and a long black coat.

Y/N: "Hey, I'm Y/N. I'll be here for some time to do some maintenance."

N: "No free oil?"

His face had a sad expression.

V (to me): "See why he's a moron?"

Y/N: "Nah, it's fine. Anyone can have a bad day. Now, you can show me what you do all day. Or should I say 'all night'?"


Wow, I couldn't believe it. Did the company really say that we aren't effective and fast enough? Every time J transmitted our progress, they said it's good and we should proceed as usual. We don't even know that guy. He says he was hired by JCJenson, but he still didn't come up with any proofs. A branded landing pod could be faked without any problems. The communication logs he showed didn't even contain any answers from them. That is literally so insanely suspicious. Anyways, as long he supports us and doesn't obstruct us, it should be fine. After all, he is new to our squad, so he has to follow the rules. If not, I'll bump him off myself. But first we have to see of he even tells us the truth...

J: "So, Y/N, where do you exactly come from on earth? And why did the company hired you for this job?"

Y/N: "I'm from (your country), but this didn't really matter for the job since they only need a skillful worker who is fluent in english. So this wasn't a problem. I found an advertisement for this job and even it's far away, the offer was really good."

V: "But the company has some highly professionals. Why they should hire any random instead of their own employees?"

Y/N: "The distance seems to be the point why they didn't find any people in the company. They needed someone who has the necessary expertise but is also expendable in a way. Most of their employees do either have family or are too valuable for the company. This significantly limits the search."

I was not satisfied with his answers. Something was still bothering me about it.

V: "But what did qualify you to do this job?"

Y/N: "I made my bachelor in 'applied computer science' and build some robots in my free time. Apparently this was the decisive factor. Now I can prove my skills."

I did not expect such an answer, this made me quite mad. Enough is enough. I placed myself directly in front of him. Even if he was about one head taller than me, I looked him straight in the eyes. It seemed that this made him less confident.

V: "So this is why you came here? To experiment with us? We are no toys! You can't come here, impersonate an employee of JCJenson and take the lead for our squad! That J!"

That clearly scared him off, but I had to give free rein to my anger. Even if I did not mean everything literally, I had to make my point clear.

Y/N: "S-Sorry, I didn't know you'll get this angry. I neither see you as my subjects to experiment with nor do I want to take anyone's role as the leader of your squad. I only want to improve your skills and maybe help you fix some problems. I could never take on the role as a leader anyway."

V: "I hope so..."

With these words I flew into the night.

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