[Eliteated truths]

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I go up to see punz pinning the annoying brit to the wall and I smirked.

"George I told you, to burn as a puishment" I snaped.

"B-but boss..." George whined.

"Don't even try you ratchet  mistake" punz snaped, tightens a hand on his neck.

"No buts, I don't love you never did I just owed you're sister a favor is the only reason ur in the mafia to begin with" I snaped. "Now I can't let you go bc you'll turn us in"

George huffed - and looked off, "that's why  I should just marry you - it would be so much more simpler"

I threw up abit in my mouth - this boy isn't even attractive to me, I would rather hook up with litterly any of the crew but him.

"Sapnap or punz has a better chance then you, to have my hand in marrige" I said, "even quackity"

Foolish not really I find him annoying - but he is good with bandaging so he's more useful then this one... but I'd perfer sapnap and punz over quackity any day.

George didn't do much but hack shit - and we bearly need that for missions we are a kidnapping mafia, that spilzes in mulating someone to hell.

"You'd choose the ugly ravens or blond over me?" George scoffed offended.

I growled, "don't even dare say that about my actully useful crew."

I walked up and stright punched him - "you aren't so good looking as you think, expiclly  not with this attiude"

"Boss's shall I tie him to the chair?" Punz asked smirking as he looked at me, "100k wats this time?"

I chuckled - that's what punz loved to watch them screaming while being electrocuted.

"As you wish blondie" I say ruffling his hair, "reamber you and sapnap  have just the same amount of contorl as me"

Punz and I founded this mafia - with sapnap so we teniclly own it sapnap just perfers the umbrella  term right hand and so does punz.

They hated being called boss, it made them fell old.

Punzs smirk curled and he looked to the brit, "to my world of fun~" he snickered.

Gworge looked to me, "b-boss come o-"

"Don't even finsh  that sentence now imma go check on panda" I said.

I went down to see the neko off the couch and sapnap just laying on the couch idly.

"My sweet panda where'd you put the neko" I asked.

"Foolish  took him to the inferimy there was more wrong. Plus we can't put him in the chamber" sapnap said.

"Why the fuck not?" I snaped, "he's a prisonor"

"Unless you wanna chain etta to something he'll be abused" sapnap said with soft worried sqeek, "the kitty woke and begged for the etta to stop - witch I assume is who abounded him"

"Good guess, I guess I get to go chat with the neko, though he's going into the chamber, no spical treatment for any prisonars, it's weakness" I snaped.

"Foolish said the cat could of bleed out quickly"  Quackity  mentioned, "were treating his wounds so he's stable ehnogh  to where we don't get a eliented story on why he was abounded"

"Not that I care, why it's why he got left on our territory"

I nodded, "foolishness informry is where this neko is?" I asked.

"Yes boss" they responded  and off I went.

PRETTY LITTLE NEKO - Karl harem ~ CompeletedWhere stories live. Discover now