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Deep inside I've taken a likeing to them all - expect when they beat me for uncorating I hate that - I fell like I'm with etta.

But for somereason when I try to sudcue sapnap he never gives in.. I just want to kiss him... I wonder why.

They told me in neko school only other sudactive breeds can escape it - but he's pure human ain't he?

I mean recently if anyone.. like I mean anyone comes in I get the erage to kiss even if deep inside I know I hate there guts.

I don't understand it - many many months  have gone by and slowly punz seemed to mellow.

And now they let me wander the base - well with someone watching  of crouse.

Be dream or punz look oddly really jealous when I purr cuddling up to sapnap.. witch I was doing right now messing with sapnaps hand purring away.

They growled low so I looked to sapnap, "why are they giveing me a look of murder sappy.."

Quackity  and foolish was sitting her to and they looked to up to the question.

"Erm. Jealous probably" sapnap murmed.

There was more of a answer that I knew but I didn't press it much - I already kinda figure one or both like or have something with sapnap.

I've watched many times when punz would fool about with outing his rings on sapnaps hand, or when dream gets more mellow and flirty with sapnap and punz..

Wait am I in the middle of a relationship...? Have I fallen for a taken man..?

Well.. three of them, quackity and foolish to.

I never had this much felling for etta. - it's also filled with me felling bad due to purely never actully loveing but useinf etta.

I wrap my tail around quackitys wrist purring away.

Losing motovation.... aa

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