❤️❤️ Atem's Leg Injury ❤️❤️

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Yugi, Joey, and Tea are gathered around a table in the game shop, engrossed in a friendly duel. Suddenly, a loud crash is heard from the back of the shop.

YUGI: (looking concerned) What was that?

The group quickly rushes toward the source of the noise and finds Atem sprawled on the floor, clutching his leg in pain.

YUGI: Atem! Are you okay?

ATEM: (grimacing in pain) I think I... I broke my leg.

JOEY: (panicked) We have to do something! Yugi, call an ambulance!

Yugi takes out his phone and starts dialing the emergency number while Tea kneels down next to Atem, trying to assess the situation.

TEA: (trying to comfort Atem) Hang in there, Atem. Help is on the way.

ATEM: (gritting his teeth) It hurts so much. I can't bear it.

Just as Atem cries out in pain, Diana Kaiba, Seto Kaiba's younger sister, bursts into the shop. She rushes over to the scene and quickly assesses the situation.

DIANA KAIBA: (sympathetic) Oh no, Atem! Let me help you.

Diana gently helps Atem sit up, taking care not to worsen his injury.

DIANA KAIBA: (to Yugi) Yugi, I'm going to hold him up and keep his leg still. Can you grab a pillow or something soft for him to lean against?

YUGI: (nods, quickly scanning the surroundings) I'll find something.

Yugi rushes to grab a cushion from a nearby chair and places it behind Atem's back, providing some support.

ATEM: (through the pain) Thank you, Diana. You came just in time.

DIANA KAIBA: (supportive) Of course, Atem. We're here for you. Just hold on a little longer. Help will be here soon.

The group remains by Atem's side, comforting him until the ambulance arrives, bringing the necessary medical assistance.


Atem sits with his injured leg propped up on a cushion, his face showing signs of pain. Diana Kaiba leans against his chest, providing support and comfort.

DIANA KAIBA: (concerned) Atem, what were you doing? I hope it wasn't something reckless or stupid.

ATEM: (weakly) I was... just trying to reach a box of old cards on the top shelf. I lost my balance and... well, you know the rest.

Diana sighs, relieved that it wasn't something more dangerous, but still worried about Atem's well-being.

DIANA KAIBA: (gently) You need to be more careful, Atem. We don't want you getting hurt like this again. Promise me you'll take it easy next time.

ATEM: (smiling faintly) I promise, Diana. No more climbing shelves for me.

In the background, Tea watches the scene with a tinge of jealousy. She can't help but feel a bit envious of the connection between Atem and Diana.

TEA: (whispering to Joey) Why does Diana have to be so close to Atem? It's like she's always there for him.

JOEY: (whispering back) Ah, Tea, don't worry about it. Diana's just being a good friend. You know Atem cares about all of us.

Tea forces a smile, trying to hide her feelings as she continues to support Atem from a slight distance.

TEA: (to herself) Yeah, you're right, Joey. Atem has always been there for all of us, and I should be happy that he has someone like Diana by his side.

The group waits patiently for the ambulance, the air filled with a mix of concern, friendship, and unspoken emotions.

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