♥♥♥ Yami Yugi X Diana Kaiba: Love in the Limelight ♥♥♥

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The Duel Monsters tournament was in full swing, with the arena buzzing with excitement. The pharaoh, Yami Yugi, stood near the entrance, greeting fans and signing autographs. Diana, an enthusiastic duelists, had made it to the final rounds of the tournament, and her ex-boyfriend Edward was there to support her. Meanwhile, Danielle, Edward's current girlfriend, was with him, trying to enjoy the tournament atmosphere.

Danielle: (excitedly) Edward, can you believe we're actually meeting the pharaoh? I heard he's legendary!

Edward: (nodding) Yeah, it's pretty cool. But hey, Diana's in the finals. We should focus on supporting her.

Danielle: (smirking) Oh, speaking of Diana, did I mention I know the pharaoh? I'm sure he'll be happy to sign something for us.

Edward: (raising an eyebrow) You know the pharaoh? How?

Danielle: (nonchalant) Oh, we bumped into each other earlier. It's not a big deal.

As Danielle spoke, Yami Yugi finished signing an autograph for another fan and turned to see Diana approaching from behind.

Diana: (tapping Yami on the shoulder) Pharaoh!

Yami: (startled) Oh! Diana, you scared me there for a moment.

Diana: (grinning) Sorry, couldn't resist. Good luck with the rest of the tournament.

Yami: Thanks, Diana. I appreciate it.

Diana moved in to give Yami a hug, and he reciprocated. As they hugged, Edward and Danielle watched with mixed emotions.

Edward: (muttering to Danielle) Looks like Diana and the pharaoh are pretty close.

Danielle: (trying to sound casual) Oh, it's just a hug. No big deal.

Meanwhile, Seto Kaiba, the tournament organizer, noticed the gathering and approached them.

Kaiba: Yami, Diana, perfect timing! We need to boost the media coverage. How about posing for a few pictures together?

Yami: (smirking) Sure, why not? It's for the tournament.

Kaiba signaled to a photographer, who quickly set up for the impromptu photo session. Yami and Diana posed together, looking confident and strong.

As the camera clicked away, Danielle couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. Edward, on the other hand, bit back his desire to be closer to Diana.

Edward: (under his breath) This is just for the media, right?

Danielle: (smiling forcedly) Of course, it's just for the media.

The photo session continued as Yugi and his friends, including Joey, Téa, and Tristan, joined the group. Joey, always one for banter, couldn't resist poking fun at Kaiba.

Joey: (grinning) Hey, Kaiba, your sister's ex is here too? Awkward much?

Kaiba: (rolling his eyes) It's a duel tournament, not a family reunion. Get over it.

Joey: (smirking) And what about the pharaoh having a crush on your sister? Now that's interesting!

Yami gave Joey a sharp look, and Kaiba couldn't help but smirk at the situation.

Kaiba: (sarcastically) Oh, how thrilling. Yami, perhaps you should keep an eye on your feelings for Diana.

Yami: (smirking) My feelings are none of your business, Kaiba.

Kaiba, always the strategist, saw an opportunity to play matchmaker.

Kaiba: (looking around) How about a change of scenery for the photos? The castle balcony has a stunning view. Let's head there.

Everyone agreed, and they made their way to the castle balcony. Yami kept Diana close, wrapping his arm around her waist. As the photoshoot progressed, Kaiba formulated a plan to bring the couple closer.

Kaiba: (leaning in to whisper to Yami) Keep her close, pharaoh. It's all for the media, of course.

Yami: (nodding) I know what I'm doing, Kaiba.

As the pictures were taken, Yami couldn't help but notice Edward stealing glances at Diana, and a hint of jealousy flickered in his eyes. Diana, sensing his discomfort, decided to playfully tease him.

Diana: (whispering to Yami) Jealous, pharaoh?

Yami: (smirking) Maybe a little.

Diana, enjoying the banter, decided to take things up a notch. She turned to Yami and planted a kiss on his lips. The others, surprised, watched the unexpected display of affection.

Yami: (smirking) Maybe you should marry me for real.

Diana: (grinning) About time you asked.

The others looked on, not realizing that Yami and Diana had been secretly dating for a while. Yami's jealousy had been sparked by the attention Edward was giving Diana.

Diana: (noticing Yami's tension) Hey, it's just for show, remember?

Yami: (calming down) Right. Just for show.

As the photoshoot wrapped up, Diana pulled Yami aside.

Diana: (whispering) Don't worry about Edward. It's you I want.

Yami: (smiling) I know, and it's you I want too.

Meanwhile, Kaiba observed the unfolding scene with satisfaction. His plan had worked, and he was pleased with his sister's taste in boyfriends.

Kaiba: (to himself) Finally, something goes according to plan.

Little did the others know about Yami and Diana's relationship. As they bantered about moving in together, the group continued to enjoy the rest of the tournament, completely unaware of the romantic connection between the pharaoh and the spirited duelist.

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