♥♥♥ Yami Yugi X Diana: Pharaoh's Heartache ♥♥♥

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The room is dimly lit, with the Pharaoh, Yami, standing in the center, his expression heavy with sadness. Diana, a determined and strong-willed woman, sits on the sofa, looking downcast. Boxes are scattered around the room, filled with her belongings, indicating her imminent departure.

YAMI: (voice trembling) Diana, please... Why are you avoiding me? What's going on?

DIANA: (avoiding eye contact) Yami, I didn't want you to find out like this. I thought it would be easier for both of us if I just left quietly.

Yami takes a step closer, his eyes searching hers for answers.

YAMI: (frustrated) Left? Left where? Diana, what are you talking about?

DIANA: (tearfully) I'm leaving, Yami. Leaving Domino. I found a sign for sale on my way to your house, and it hit me... I need to start a new chapter, and that chapter is in America.

Yami's shock is evident on his face, as if the ground beneath him had crumbled away.

YAMI: (stammering) But... But why? Diana, I don't understand. You're the reason I'm here, in this world. If I truly go to the afterlife, your things are packed the minute I leave after our last duel.

Diana looks down at her hands, her voice filled with regret.

DIANA: (whispering) Yami, I never wanted it to come to this. But my heart aches every time I see you. I've fallen in love with you, and it scares me. I can't bear the thought of losing you forever.

Yami's eyes well up with tears, and he drops to his knees, gently taking Diana's hands in his.

YAMI: (desperate) Diana, please! I beg you, don't leave. Stay with me. I promise I'll figure something out. We'll find a way to be together, even if it means defying fate itself.

Diana's gaze softens, and she places her free hand on Yami's cheek.

DIANA: (teary-eyed) Yami... If you can promise me that you won't die, that you won't leave me alone, then I'll stay. You're the reason I came to Domino in the first place.

Yami's heart skips a beat at her words, his determination strengthening.

YAMI: (earnestly) I swear, Diana. I won't let anything happen to me. I'll find a way to protect us both, no matter what it takes.

They hold each other's gaze, the weight of their love and the challenges they face palpable in the air.


Yugi and his friends, Joey, Tristan, and Tea, are gathered in the park, engaged in lighthearted conversation, unaware of the events that unfolded between Yami and Diana the day before. Yami, having taken control of Yugi's body, spots Diana walking towards them. His heart races with anticipation and love.

Yami (in Yugi's body) rushes towards Diana, his eyes filled with longing. He swiftly pulls her into his arms, holding her tightly as if he never wants to let go. Diana, surprised by the sudden display of affection, finds herself sitting on a bench with Yami's (Yugi's) lap.

DIANA: (startled) Yami, what...?

Before she can finish her sentence, Yami's lips meet hers in a passionate kiss. It's a kiss fueled by desire, love, and a longing to claim her as his own. Time seems to stand still as they lose themselves in the intensity of the moment.

Meanwhile, Yugi's friends watch in confusion, their eyes widening with surprise and curiosity. Joey nudges Tristan, and they exchange bewildered glances.

JOEY: (whispering) What the heck is going on? Did I miss something?

TRISTAN: (astonished) Looks like Yugi and Diana have some serious catching up to do.

Tea, equally shocked and concerned, watches the unfolding scene with a mixture of worry and curiosity.

TEA: (whispering) I don't know what's happening, but it seems like something big is going on between them.

As Yami and Diana finally break their intense kiss, their eyes remain locked in a gaze filled with affection and determination. Yami's voice, filled with conviction, breaks the silence.

YAMI: (in Yugi's body) Diana, I want to do everything in my power to make you mine, to protect you and be by your side. I love you more than anything, and I won't let anything separate us.

Diana, overwhelmed by the depth of Yami's emotions, smiles softly, her eyes glistening with tears of joy.

DIANA: (tearfully) Yami, I love you too. I've never felt this way about anyone before. Let's face whatever challenges come our way together.

Yugi's friends exchange surprised glances once again, struggling to comprehend the sudden intensity of the situation.

JOEY: (in disbelief) I never knew Yugi had it in him! This is definitely going to be an interesting journey.

TRISTAN: (nudging Joey) Looks like we're witnessing a love story for the ages.

Tea smiles, her heart filled with hope and excitement for Yami and Diana's future.

TEA: (whispering) I'm glad they found each other. Love has a way of defying all odds.

As Yugi's friends continue to watch the unfolding romance, Yami and Diana share a tender embrace, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead, united by their love and determination to be together.

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