♥♥♥ Yami Yugi X Diana Kaiba ♥♥♥

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Yami Yugi, Professor Hawkins, Rebecca, and the gang are seated, enjoying a meal after a challenging battle against Dartz.

Yami Yugi (solemnly): *sigh* The burden of fighting Dartz has been weighing heavily on my heart. My mind is consumed with worry for Yugi's soul.
Rebecca: (nervously) It seems like the Pharaoh is carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. We must help him, Grandpa.
Professor Hawkins: You're right, Rebecca. He needs our support now more than ever.

Just as the group falls into a solemn silence, a familiar voice echoes from the entrance.

Diana Kaiba (excitedly): Yami!

Everyone turns to see Diana Kaiba standing at the entrance, a wide smile stretching across her face. She rushes towards Yami Yug and hugs his shoulders tightly, surprising him.

Yami Yugi (jolted from his thoughts): Diana? What are you doing here?

Diana leans in and kisses Yami Yug on the cheek, bringing a momentary pause to the group's conversation.

Diana: I had to snap you back to reality, my hero! I came as soon as I heard about Yugi's soul being captured. I've missed you so much!
Yami Yugi (smiling): Diana, I never expected to see you here. Thank you for coming.
Joey: Hey, Pharaoh, who's the girl?
Tristan: Yeah, spill the beans, Pharaoh!
Tea: I didn't know Yami had a girlfriend!
Diana (playfully): Oh, don't be jealous, boys. I've been undercover, spying on Dartz to gather information. When I found out about Yugi, my first thought was to be by your side, my love.
Yami Yugi: Diana has always been my steadfast partner, my strength. She would never betray me, unlike Dartz.

Diana and Yami Yugi share a warm embrace, followed by a passionate kiss.

Rebecca: Oh my! It's really true! The Pharaoh has found love!

As the realization sinks in, the rest of the gang exchanges incredulous glances, amazed by the unexpected turn of events.

Tristan: I guess even Pharaohs need some love in their lives!
Joey: Right on, mate! Looks like we need to find our better halves too!

With their hearts lightened by the Pharaoh's evident happiness, the group continues their meal, cherishing the bond they share and ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.

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