♥♥♥ Yami Yugi X Diana Kaiba ♥♥♥

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When the Battle City tournament started it ws like any other competition untill the whole Marik and blimp fiasco during which Diana wаs аlwаys making sure that Yugi ws alright till one time he invited her and allowed her to meet the Pharaoh in person

Yugi closes his eyes as the millennium puzzle begins to glow and Yami takes over.
Yami: hello Diana. *says giving her a friendly smile*

Diana: Hello Your Highness *says s she smiles back while sitting close to him on the bed*

Yami: call me Yami or Pharoah either is fine but you call me that as well I don't mind.

Diana: I know. I just wanted my own unique touch to it

Yami: *chuckles* the things i mentioned are what the others call me by mostly but you know that.

Diana: I know I just couldn't believe it at first with Seto's who anti version of it

Yami: that's understandable, Kaiba still doesn't believe anything no matter what we say or what he sees with his own two eyes *sighs* At least you're different from your brother which is why Yugi invited you to meet me.

Diana: Well Seto has his reasons cuse of our hard pst and he build up his believes on his own hard work but with me I lways liked to believe, to feel lucky and to have magic in my life

Yami: I'm glad to finally hear someone say something like that, it makes me happy.

Diana: And I'm glad someone finally is hering me and not judging me for who I am related to

Yami: you said it

Diana: Do you give hugs?

Yami: what kind of question is that? *teases* of course I do, come here let me give you one. *smiles*

Diana smiles sweetly in return before moving into his arms and melting against his chest

Yami smiles hugging her close and tight feeling a bond between them

Diana then squeals due to Yami lifting her up before laying down and pulling a blanket over both of them

Yami: *chuckles* hope you don't mind staying with me for the rest of the day?

Diana: Not at all to be honest. I was becoming bored with my brothers already really

Yami: good to know and believe me you'll never get bored hanging around me and the others.


A week later however was the time needed for the others to find out how close the two became which happened while Diana dueled Marik when her duel disk exploded on her arm

Yami quickly switches places with Yugi having watched it in his spirit form
Yami: Diana! *yells panic in his eyes as he takes off into a run towards her*

Roland: Sir should I disqualify her due to technical problems or stop the game and give her a second chance with a new disk?

Kaiba: what do you think?! *snaps* We'll give her a second chance with a new one.

Mokuba: She looks shaken up tho Seto

Kaiba: Hmm maybe it would be better to take her out of the tournament.

Diana then falls to her knees as the planform goes down and strts crying due to what happened

Yami reaches her in record time and immediately takes her into his arms and starts comforting her

Diana: I can't believe I disappointed my brother that way. I feel terrible.

Yami: No you're not, from what I can tell he's more concerned about you than he's letting on.

Diana: I'm sorry I let you down

Yami: Don't be, your okay and that matters more.
at the same time, both Mokuba and Seto rush over as well to check on their sister.
Mokuba: Sis, are you okay? *asks concerned when he reaches the duo*

Diana: No because I don't want it to end like this and I blew it

Mokuba: *frowns* Hold on sis, Seto is gonna give you a second chance, he'll even give you a new disk too.

Diana: Even so I can't continue while I'm such an emotional mess

Mokuba: take some time to calm down then, we'll handle things here. What is important is that you are safe right, Seto?
Kaiba: Of course, nothing is more important right now.

Diana: Thank you and I'm soo sorry about this

Kaiba: you're welcome and don't be.
Mokuba: hey I know, how about Yugi keeps you company? *asks out of the blue*

Diana: If you don't mind?

Yami: I don't mind at all.

Mokuba: then it's settled. *smiles having noticed how close both of them seem*

Diana: You are not mad I hang around him are you Seto?

Kaiba: Do I look mad to you? *asks raising an eyebrow* he may be my rival but i tolerate and trust him around you as well as our little brother.
Joey: did rich boy just seriously say that?
Tristan: i think so. *says watching all of it with wide eyes*

Diana: Thank you *whispers before moving to hug her brother around the shoulders* I love you soo much

Kaiba: *hugs her back* I love you too.
Mokuba: hey, don't forget about me. *pouts playfully*

Diana then hugs Mokuba before allowing Yami to pick her up bridal style

Mokuba smiles hugging back before watching Yami carry his sister away.

Meanwhile the others get confused before following them just to see Yami take Dianа to take her rm looked over and wrapped up

Tea: okay what is going on between those two...
Tristan: is it just me or are they pretty close?
Duke: I have to agree with you on that...

Mai: I was told by Yugi thаt they were best friends

Joey: wait seriously?

Serenity: I was there as well. He told Mai that Diana was his missing half

Tristan: wait missing half as in...
Joey: i did not expect this at all

Mai: I think the boy is in love

Serenity: think? i know he is just look at them. *smiles*

Yami then picks her back up and moves towards his bedroom

Duke: I think it's safe to say that they both feel the same.

Kaiba and Mokuba also come just in time to see Diana press her lips to Yami's

Seto quickly covers Mokuba's eyes wanting to spare his younger brothers eyes

She then blows a kiss to her brother and winks while Yami takes her in his room and locks the door

Seto sighs, shakes his head and rolls his eyes having seen this coming before guiding Mokuba away
meanwhile, Mai, Serenity, Tea, Duke, Tristan and Joey share looks taking in what just happened before they start smiling like idiots and walk off giving the couple some privacy.

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