♥♥♥ Yami Yugi X Diana: Lab Rats Meet Yu-Gi-Oh ♥♥♥

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Тhe halls of the Bionic Academy are bustling as Mr. Davenport, Adam, Bree, and Chase are gathered in the central control room, reviewing reports on the students.

Mr. Davenport: [examining a tablet] Alright, let's go through these mentor reports. Adam, how did Leo fare in your combat training session?

Adam: Leo? Oh, he aced it! Strongest punches I've seen in a while.

Mr. Davenport: Excellent. Bree, what about Taylor's agility drills?

Bree: Taylor was like a blur out there! She's definitely improving.

Mr. Davenport: [nodding] Good to hear. Chase, how did Diana do in your lessons?

Chase: Diana... um, well, she wasn't actually present for most of them. But when she did show up, she seemed to grasp the concepts quickly.

Mr. Davenport: [raising an eyebrow] Didn't show up? Yet she passed? That's unusual. We'll need to look into this.

Mr. Davenport begins to dial a number on his phone, preparing to call Diana's family. After a few rings, Mokuba Kaiba, Diana's younger brother, answers the call.

Mokuba: Hey there! What can I do for you?

Mr. Davenport: Mokuba, I wanted to discuss Diana's performance at the Bionic Academy. She hasn't been attending her mentor lessons regularly, yet she passed all her evaluations.

Mokuba: [chuckling slightly] Oh, yeah, Diana's always been a bit... independent. But don't worry, she's got the Kaiba genes. She's bound to excel.

Mr. Davenport: Kaiba genes? Wait, are you related to Seto Kaiba?

Mokuba: [proudly] Yep, he's my big brother.

Mr. Davenport is taken aback by the revelation.

Mr. Davenport: Seto Kaiba?! I had no idea. But why would she be here if she's under the care of her brother?

Mokuba: [smirking] Oh, she's not just here for fun. She's gearing up for Battle City.

Mr. Davenport's eyes widen in realization.

Mr. Davenport: Battle City? That's quite the prestigious tournament.

Mokuba: Yeah, and Diana's there to support her boyfriend, Yami Yugi. They've been through quite a bit together.

Mr. Davenport's confusion deepens.

Mr. Davenport: Yami Yugi? Is that...?

Before he can finish, the camera pans to reveal Diana tending to a bruised and battered Yami Yugi, who is none other than the Pharaoh.

Yami Yugi: [wincing as Diana applies medicine] This is unnecessary, my dear.

Diana: [smirking] Hush, my king. You need to heal properly.

Seto Kaiba enters the frame, taking the phone from Mokuba.

Kaiba: Davenport, surprised to see my sister's talents extend beyond bionics?

Mr. Davenport: [stammering] I... I had no idea.

Kaiba: Well, now you do. And let me make it clear, I expect nothing but the best for my sister. That's why she's at your academy.

Mr. Davenport: Understood, Mr. Kaiba. We'll ensure she receives the proper training.

Kaiba: See that you do. And keep her safe. She's valuable to me.

As the call ends, Mr. Davenport is left pondering the unexpected revelations. Meanwhile, Yami Yugi and Diana share a tender moment, oblivious to the chaos their presence has caused.

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