Kanemaru Shinji

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Kanemaru has been receiving anonymous letters of compliments and encouragement or something in between. It started when he joined the first string of Seido Baseball team. It would creep out anybody but not him. It surprisingly calms him because somehow, there's someone out there cheering for him.

First letter:

»Hi, Kanemaru!
Congratulations on making it to the first string.
I know how hard you work for that. Continue to make great things. I'll be cheering on you!«

Second Letter:

»Hi! I see you've been really motivated lately.
You have a good team, don't you?
I'm happy for you. I'll be cheering on the bench.
Good luck for your upcoming match!«

Today, he almost missed his alarm and came almost late for school. As he opened his shoe locker, he found another note inside. He quickly put it inside his bag before changing his shoes.

"Kanemaru, you're almost late!" he rolled his eyes at the certain loud voice. He thought why would he have to be stuck with the two pitcher? He seated on his seat at the back. His mind drifted back to the letters he received. Who could have wrote those? Why didn't she wrote her name down? She's a mustery.


(His reactions on every notes he received.)

»Good play today. You've improved greatly.
It's cute when you blushed, though.
Hehe! I'll be cheering for you on your play tomorrow, too! Good luck!«

This made him blush even more than in the game.

»Kanemaru, I hope you're doing fine.
You may have lost the game but that doesn't mean you lose. You just need to improve. I'll always cheer for you!«

"I know that!" he hissed as he appreciates your concern.

»Hi! You probably didn't notice but we made an eye contact yesterday! You made me blush without even trying. Anyways, good luck on your exams tomorrow!«

"When? I didn't notice at all! Who are you?" He asks no one in particular.

»Hello, Kanemaru.
I heard you passed all the exams. Good job!
I was hoping I could say that to you face to face.«

He smile. He wanted to tell everyone about it or wanted anyone asked about it but no one was paying attention to him. Except for this anonymous sender.

»Are you tired? I hope you don't overdo yourself.
Anyway! I feel like I've been really close to you now, Kanemaru hehe....«

'How was that possible? Sure, you've been sending me your thoughts but you don't know how or what I think about all of this. What do you mean your closer to me now?'

»Hey, I don't have anything to say but you look cute today. Overly cute that should be a crime! You're definitely cuter than me!«


e blushed at what you wrote. Now, he really wants to know who you are.

Lots of letters have been sent everyday ever since he became a second year student. He's been thinking lately, the notes didn't say 'I like you' or 'I love you'. Instead, he received complements on his every achievement.

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