Satoshi Isshiki| A Valentine Special

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"Why is there a naked man with only an apron running around the dorm?" a terrified scream was heard inside the Polar Star Dormitory. A certain man was smiling and didn't seem to mind. A young girl, on the other hand, just sigh from the kitchen.

"That will never change, I guess." she mumbled to herself. The Matron only give her a look before going out.

She quickly finished her dish to join the rest.

Hay~ young ones...

At the living room of the dorm, the students celebrate the success of defending the dorm from being turned down into pieces.

"Again, as a thank you for defending our dorm. Here's a little present from your dear senpai. Come, come! Hve a bite, everyone!" the naked man with an apron said. The first years glisten as they saw his dish in front of them.

"A free meal from the second rank of Elite Ten! This is amazing!" Megumi said as she stares at the dish along with other first years.

Y/N emerged from the kitchen. She walked towards the adorable first years and served the dish she made. She greeted everyone with her killer smile.

"You're lovely as always, Erina-chan" she winks at the Goddess of Tongue. The latter blushed. Hisako agreed as they both giggles at Erina's flustered face.

"Y/N-chan~" Isshiki sings as he slowly approach the girl.

"So, are you okay now? Your dad is scary as always!" Y/n said to Erina, completely ignoring Isshiki. Erina and others looked at each other. Sensing there's more than than ignoring the second rank male.

'Did we came in a bad time?'

'Dang, what did Isshiki-senpai do?'

'Y/n-san is scary when she's angry. I'm getting chills already!'

'Why is she ignoring me?'

"Ah, Senpai?" Hisako called out.



Y/n claps her hand once, rather loudly making everyone flinched. Before she sweetly smiles to everyone.

"Let's eat, shall we? I'm so hungry after that marvelous war we've done earlier." she initiate, and the rest followed. Excited to try the dishes that was personally made by their distinguished senpais.

"Erina-chan, I want you to evaluate my dish. Come, come!"

"A-yes, of course!" the girls went to the kitchen.

Isshiki followed every move Y/n made. She's ignoring him. What did he do to make her act this way?

"Isshiki-senpai!" Soma called out. Isshiki looked back at Soma who had his usual expression.

"Are you okay?" he asked the sulking senpai.

"Y/n's ignoring my presence!" the older male dramatically cried.

"Yeah, I saw that. But what did you do?" Soma asks.

"I don't remember doing anything wrong. My Y/n is ignoring me!"

"I think Y/n-sama is just tired. She fought those bad guys one-on-one earlier. Believe me, she's so cool out there!" Megumi said as her eyes twinkles as she remembered the way Y/n faced the guys head on. She looks so cool while calmly approaching the guys, telling them to back off.

"She what??" Isshiki asks, surprised.

"She did that?" Soma asks with his usual dumb face.

"I didn't know Y/n-sama could fight like that. I always have the impression of her that she moves like a princess, but what I saw earlier was more of a hunter hunting it's prey. So scary but so cool at the same time!" Megumi said, mostly to herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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