Chapter 1 - Scrambling

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I was scrambling.

Where are my shoes? I frantically thought to myself. I was trying my best not to wake the guy in the bed. I had my clothes in one arm, wanting to leave but knowing I could not walk the streets of Wolfsburg without shoes on.

After lifting a box, and moving some blankets, I found them buried beneath a few piles. I had to get out of here.

I had to leave.

I stumbled out of the apartment, with only 2% of charge on my phone. Just enough for a phone call.

"Hey," I said, into the phone, knowing she would always answer.

"Mila, it's 6am," Frido responded.

"I was wondering if you could come get me. Please?"

"What have you done this time?" she laughed into the phone.

"I have 2% on my phone, and no wallet." I heard her chuckle over the line.

"Send me the address. I'll be there in 20."

"Thank you! I love you." We hung up the phone, and I walked around the block, not wanting to sit on the doorstep of a man whose name I had already forgotten.

I sat on a bus stop bench before seeing Frido's car roll around. I quickly jumped in, grabbing the blanket that she would always keep in the back for me.

"I owe you," I said to her, still in her pajamas.

"You've said that so many times now. Who was he?"

"Just a guy I met at the outdoor bar," I replied. Since covid, the only source of social interaction I've been able to have was at this makeshift bar in the local park, which was also limited in capacity.


"Frids, you think I'd go for a guy that wasn't?"

"Maybe," she laughed.


"But next time," she soon continued. "Can you maybe at least wait till 8 a.m. before you sneak out."

"But then they are awake!" I cried.

"It's good to face your fears, Mila."

"Maybe. Next time."

She dropped me back at my apartment, before heading off to her own. We only lived two streets away from each other, with Ingrid in the same apartment block at Frido. We were all close to each other which always helped whenever one of us was in a problem.

"Don't forget, we're going in today to meet the new players and stuff." I looked at Frido through the window.

"I know!" I exclaimed. "Want a lift? You know, to make up for..."

"Sure. You can get Ingrid too." We confirmed the time for pick-up, and I headed inside. I needed to shower, and get the feeling of 'man' off me. I never liked it, but there was something about it that I did like.

I just hadn't figured that out yet.

I showered at home, before popping on my tracksuit. I had a few hours to kill, and after charging my phone, I lay in bed, scrolling my phone.

bar guy #13: hey, mila, where'd you get off to?

I forgot that I'd told this guy my real name. Normally I make one up, not wanting any of them to know who I truly was. But this guy felt different.

Until he didn't.

Until he felt like every single other guy I had ever interacted with.

Mila: sorry!

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